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Mayan Calendar - MYTH OF 2012 WORLD ENDING...

Dear Friends,

Here is first chapter taken from our book 2012 Financial Predictions:


Once again I would like this book to start with 2012 myth of “world ending”. I have been doing extensive research on “World ending 2012”. This myth spread due to misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar. Many who study science assumed that the end of calendar meant the end of world, but other scientific astronomical study doesn’t indicate this at all because all major planetary movements are in perfect normal cycle, Astro calendar is not ending for the next millions of years because the cycle of nature keeps rotating but surely whenever negative planetary combinations will form that will be the time a major destruction or natural catastrophe will take place on the planet and large number of human race will be under threat.

As you all are aware that, I have stopped writing negative predictions, and so I will keep this chapter small. The reason is that I see too much negativity from nature and many divesting natural calamities may hit our planet in the coming time. This century has started with a negative Moon, and Moon controls water, it is the opposite of heat or drought, so we clearly see water related disasters making huge destruction on many countries and same time heat and drought problem will also be there in other part of world. In the next 48 years, many countries from Asia will be hit hard by huge tsunami, and the east-coast of USA will get totally damaged by hurricanes, and millions of people will lose their lives (I hate to write this). Japan, Hawaii, Thailand, Indonesia and people from small Islands and from coast should move out. This problem will continue for this century and then next century will be dominated by a cold wave.

I am sure many people must be interested in the next few years or next ten to twenty years because human nature always like know if something is coming in very near future and I have the answers for them. Many times in the past ten years we have mentioned that year end 2014, 2015 and first half of 2016 would bring threat of severe natural disaster, unfortunately these both years are very close from today and our generations will see or experience these painful devastations of nature. I am concern about these two years and we pray that everything goes well on our planet.

Most of our followers are asking that we shouldn’t stop predicting negative predictions after 9/11 events; unfortunately I predicted that event and after seeing pain of 9/11 I decided not to write any more negative predictions. I don’t want to write about 2014/15/16 but my inner sense tells me that I must release this warning sign, so that may people will able to take appropriate actions well in advance.

You should act quickly if there is heavy rainfall in your city or area, and if you are staying in an area which has low density, near to river, dam or lakes where flood can effect then get out immediately, leave everything behind without even thinking twice. If there is life then you can build again so please remain watchful.

This (2014-2016) period will cause huge short fall in grains and food crops because many parts of world will get inflicted with heavy rainfall as well as drought and both these will cause panic in world, so there will be panic for food. We will talk more about grains in the commodity sections.

Finally, once again I am confirming after reading planetary movements that world will pass through smoothly in 2012, and the world population will be safe under planet’s guidance.