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Today's Trade & News

Mega bull market will take place in Cannabis stocks...

Dear Members,

S&P moved aggressively higher from 2781 level as predicted. Metals and energy are moving as predicted. Major turn around in currencies on the way but at this stage we are focusing on Cannabis stocks.

I still see one the biggest bull market to take place in Cannabis stocks. One of our members turned $7 million’s USD to $180 million in the five years by buying penny stocks of gold and silver mining stocks between 2001 to 2005. He believed my 2001 predictions of mega bull rally in gold and silver.

I strongly recommend building up positions to make fortune in oncoming cannabis bull market. You need to plan strategy very well and my advice will be: if you have $100 then each quarter you invest 20% and finish investing 100% by 2020 January. If you already invested, then keep adding positions. This sector has just newly born, soon it will start crawling and then walking and after that running so stay in all stage of moving further to take complete advantage.

We just released this month’s Cannabis letter, to read more or subscribe click:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma