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Today's Trade & News

Mega bull run to start in equity like March 2020, no recession, sharp fall in inflations (commodities) and FED changing Tune are future trade...

Dear Members,

Markets and many great stocks are going down without any major reason. We still believe that S&P will close in December. The market is ready for a big rally as mentioned in this week’s Weekly Newsletter.

Many investors may lose interest in the market because of Saturn in Aquarius. Aquarius Saturn has the nature to make people confused; it doesn’t provide a clear direction and also it makes people a bit lazy. Saturn moving out from Aquarius on the 12th of July will change everything. In fact, Saturn starts making an impact seven days before or after it changes houses.

In March of 2020, people were confused and fearful, saying “Mahendra, this market is finished, why are you recommending buying stocks?”. My argument was very simple: I didn’t see any major bear market for the medium to longer term, so it would be the best time to buy stocks without fear. We all witnessed what happened after March 2020. Those who invested during that period (March-April) made a great amount of money.

The same applies today because Astro cycles are not showing any bear market between July 2022 and 2023. In fact, this bull market may continue till the end of 2028, so keep this in mind and start accumulating stocks and long positions in ETFs.

Most important points to remember:

We don’t see a recession; we also don’t see a higher interest rate. In fact, the FED may pause soon.

Commodities moved higher after Russia invaded Ukraine, but now commodities that are related to Russia are losing value very quickly. Look at Energy stocks: GUSH lost almost 50% of its value. We kept recommending shorting energy stocks in the last month. We still believe that oil will crash by 45% before October.

Base metals collapsed as predicted.

Grains came down sharply, and though they may rebound due to weather-related issues, they don’t rise now because of Russia and Ukraine’s issues. Our higher side selling recommendations for base metals, grains, and energy have done very well.

The Thirty-Year bond traded exactly as predicted; a few weeks ago, we recommended buying at 130-00.

You must remember: the overall stock market trend looks extremely bullish, so hold long positions in the market. For whatever that happened in the last three months, blame Saturn. During the time of Capricorn, we will give you back everything from 12 July 2022. One must read this week’s newsletter carefully once again if you are a subscriber.

Our day-trading strategy/levels work very well. After many requests, we decided to reduce the day-trading service subscriptions cost from $455 to $351.

Our view on silver is still very bullish, though prices have been falling along with other metals… but silver will rebound very strongly from the next week.

Our view on Coffee and cotton is bullish; they will start recovering from today.

The dollar will struggle as FED will change its tune.

We still believe that S&P and NASDAQ won’t remain below 3851 and 11471 for a long period. Wait for a 28% rally to follow.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma