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Today's Trade & News

Mega move in markets, metals and AMZN....Monday Markets, metals and energy traded as predicted...Tuesday onward great time to money....

Dear Members,

I wish I could publish this week's newsletter here for everyone and today's flash news because our astro indicators are indicating completely different pictures of metals and markets.

First, I would like to remind you that don’t follow experts who are writing bear markets because investors have missed great money-making opportunities in the last ten years as well as in 2020. Do not focus or take trade if anyone is saying that the market is crashing big because that will change your bull mindset and you will either liquidate positions or take short in fear.

In this week letter and Tuesday flashews we recommended aggressive buying in markets and metals as they can move sharply higher. Monday, we predicted the market, metals, and energy to trade mix to negative and they did. We also recommended buying market and metals on the lower side of Monday as well as Tuesday so do not miss this opportunity.

AMZN will announce earnings and may move $255 higher on Tuesday after market so take trade accordingly, either buy call options in AMZN and buy stocks. We also raise our target $4011 by the end of 2020 (in the next two months).

Oil we are expecting weakness to continue as predicted in this week letter, buy do not short natural gas.

Close long in grains, buy long in softs.

Read currency, metals and market predictions carefully in our weekly newsletter or daily Flashnews letter as big upside moves in gold, silver, platinum, S&P, NASDAQ, RUSSELL, INDL, YINN is on the way so plan your strategy well.

Thanks & God BLESS

Mahendra Sharma