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Today's Trade & News

Metals are in second astro cycle yet… FED, Earning, currencies and metals will be key factor for this week…

Dear Members,

In the first week of July we mentioned that silver could move from $18.41 to 24.65 in the month of July and Gold from $1795 to $1925, both these predictions almost fulfilled. Last week metals performed amazing well as predicted, we expected gold to move higher by $100 and silver $3.00 and platinum $100. Also metal etfs like GDX, JNUG, NUGT and GDXJ performed amazingly well. This month and last week predictions really done very well for metal investors. Mining stocks were also on fire as JNUG and NUGT moved almost 45% higher. Last week was one of the best for metal investors.

So far out of five bullish cycles of metals which we predicted in 2001, two got already over and three bullish cycle is still pending, we are in third cycle. First cycle started in 2001 when gold was at $272 and silver $4.39, in 2001 we predicted gold to move toward $1800 and silver $50.00, first cycle ended when gold and silver achieved our target of $1800 and $50.00 in 2011, same time we recommended closing 100% long in gold and silver in 2011, in fact we recommended shorting both these metals and getting out from mining stocks. Closing positions in metals in 2011 recommendations saved fortune to metal investors because mining stocks collapsed and both precious metals also came down. I always remind members that I don’t hate or love anything when we are predicting, I just write what astro indicators tell us.   

Second cycle: In April 2019 second astro positive started for precious metals and we predicted last year that gold and silver made bottom, now gold may not see $1271 again. We are in second astro cycle, and this cycle to continue but remember this cycle won’t be for 10 years, it will be very short-term cycle. We are sure you must have read 2001/2/34 our longer-term predictions on our website because we talked about 52 years astro cycle for Gold and we divided these 52 years in to five different positive cycle.

Same way we were so bullish on stocks from 2009 and predicted markets to top out in one of the most important cycle 12 to 14 years cycle. Still markets going strong as predicted. None of any analysts were able to predict this bullish trend in 2009 or 2010. If you read every note of most of analyst, you will find that everyone were talking top of S&P in 2013/14 and they were worrying about valuations. Same time we release very strong note and all those firing analysts and guided them to change method of valuations as we are in most unique era of technology which is shaping world economy differently with handset, every thing going to cloud, semiconductor and new chips for faster and artificial intelligence and more security for cloud, handset and date. Thank to wave of nature otherwise I was not able to predict this most unique rise in NASDAQ and S&P. Investors have really made fortune in the last ten if they remained invested.

Gold and silver achieved may move aggressively toward our next predicted level, but we remember that we are in the second cycle and still lot to happen in the short, medium and longer term with both side movements. Read our weekly newsletter carefully and we will have glimpse of coming time in metals.

We also mentioned that Gold, silver and platinum could move aggressively higher so follow our weekly newsletter.

Most of markets are trading as predicted, this week FED, key earnings, more checks from FED for unemployed and Vaccine news will dominate market trend. Vaccine rally will be mind boggling and we are not far from Vaccine news as mentioned in this week newsletter. S&P has been bit struggling to close above 3259, we shall watch this week closely, important earning will play key role as mentioned in letter.

Coffee has done really well last week, and more upward movement is on the way. Grains look positive, especially wheat and soy. Oil following our astro indicators, I think no one wanted to take risk when boldly recommended buying oil at $9.55 with target of $40.11 level because everyone were so much sacred after Negative price in may contract.

Dollar index tested our lower side level of 94.39 as predicted, now we are entering into the most crucial astro period for the USD and the next level is very important one. I believe that once it achieves our next level on the lower side that shall be bottom for USD and from there it will rally back to at least 5 points so a big rally may come but before that happens we wait for the lower side level to get achieved.

This week many great American companies (FFIV, NXPI, V, PFE, MCD, SBUX, LSCC, AKAM, GLW, AMD, PYPL, APPLE, AMZN, GOOGL and FB) will announce earnings and many are our favorite, they may move aggressively higher so watch stock list as we will be mentioning in Daily stock report.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma