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Today's Trade & News

Metals fall, here is Thursday flashnews...will they bounce back?


Dear Life Members,

This what we mentioned yesterday on metals (small part from yesterdays daily flashnews), yes we are concern about longer term trend but short term it is now good buy here at current levels (only for the short period). Hold positions in stock markets as we are still waiting for upward move.

Wait for Friday's flashnews which we will send by 4 PM today. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Thursday’s Flashnews


Dear Members,

Few of our members sent us email and asking about clear directions on Metals.

Our views on metals for the longer term remain intact “very bullish”, especially for the silver. Medium and short term we are concern about gold trend and that you must have been also observing in our weekly newsletter as well as in the daily flashnews.  

If we disconnect silver, platinum from gold then we can recommend buy even today but markets players keeps all these metals in the one basket and the leader who is carrying this basket is gold, and if gold trend is weaker then surely it will affect all other metals as well.

Avoid gold at this, buy silver calls of $35, $38 of 2013 December and platinum call of $1700, $1800 also 2013 December and we are sure you will make money.

Short term avoid metals because from 19 November 2012 we saw some positive time (we also mentioned in Kitco interview) but negativity is overruling positivity positive time cycle and that is negative indications. This is the only reason since last 18 days we are not any recommending buying gold, yes we recommended silver and we still recommend silver trade for the medium and shorter term against hedging with selling gold and copper.

How low? We see strong support around $1639 and silver $30.12 (these prices are in worst case scenario), currently gold may hold $1661 and silver $30.86.

Last 18 days we are saying that: we have been constantly recommending buying stocks and equity Indexes as they would outperform commodities now as well as in the 2013. Slowly money will be moving in to stock markets. 

Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma,

Wednesday, 19 December, 05.00 PM, Santa Barbara

Few Fraud "so called astrologer" in India are stealing our work and try to re-sell. Follow the natures principle by not supporting these kinds of fraud and criminals people. 

Note: Reading daily rangeWhen we predict a weaker trend it means prices can break lower side and they can trade below predicted lows. (You can cover short but don’t buy extra at lower levels until our indicators give buy signal).

When we predict a positive trend, means daily price can break upside and they can trade higher than predicted price (you can book profit but don’t short that market).