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Today's Trade & News

Metals rebounded, dollar lost as predicted in this week letter...Here is small part of this newsletter for all major commodities, currencies, bonds, stocks markets.....

Weekly Newsletter from 30-04 December

Most important week for energy


Dear Members,

Last week most of the markets traded very positively. Commodities remained under pressure and dollar moved aggressively higher against most currencies. This week many Fed members will be speaking; Janet Yellen will also be speaking twice; Mario Draghi is ready to add more easing; and lastly on Friday the employment numbers will be coming out from USA.

The Astro cycles gravity will change directions and will move towards the middle class markets which are emerging markets and other small countries markets. Investing in a market with the wave always provides great returns. Previously we mentioned that we have been doing an in-depth research on the luck factor and that research is still going on. During the research I have found that our brain and soul plays a key role and they always keep providing us with random messages and these messages are very important but they are very vague so we hardly pay any attention to them. You must have noticed that many times you are making a decision in market but you never made it and the market moved in that direction. Traders or investors are the best people to ask about these random messages which keep flying through your mind and if you analyse them then could find that they were very important. If you are holding any positions in lose or profit, you will find a message coming to you saying you should close your positions and eventually that message was very important.

We are approaching the last month of 2015, so we shouldn’t be thinking and planning for last month of 2016 very much as your focus should be on 2016. Ignore the December rate hike news, employment numbers, and all other news because the market has its own plan from here onwards.

The Sun is with Saturn and Mercury which is giving clear indications that one shouldn’t be going against the trend. Stock markets are in a bullish mood so follow the trend. Dollar is moving like wild fire so watch the trend of USD closely. We still believe that our longer term target of 120 will fulfil in the next 18 months.

15 December is an important day; Around this day we will see huge volatility coming back in the market due to the Sun changing its house and Mercury will also move before that. Half of the Sun’s cycle will be over on late Monday which can start supporting the energy sector. Let’s see what this week looks like.


Here is weekly newsletter from 30 Nov to 4 December


Last week precious and base metals prices came down sharply. Metal stocks acted far more positive compared to physical metals. Gold traded at a six-and-a-half-year low and the trend still looks horrible. Silver lost 70% value from its high and many other metals also came down drastically in the last two years. Looks at platinum chart here below silver, it has been underperforming against gold which very scary sign.  

Many of our longer term members and followers from the precious metal industry seem to be very happy by not investing in metals since 2012 and they are still waiting for our indication of buying. Since August 2015 a small positive time started from metals but never lasted for the longer period, and now this month we don’t see any major move but surely some volatility will be there on both sides.

Last week The Astro cycles were very negative but this week some stability in metals shall come due to a positive Astro combination for the short period. On Monday gold, silver and other metals will trade on both sides or mixed. On Tuesday the same kind of trend is indicating but on the lower side one can buy some positions. On Wednesday and Thursday gold, silver, base metals can trade in a positive direction but on Friday we recommend selling positions in metals on higher sides.

From Tuesday to Thursday buy on weakness and book profit around the higher sides. On Friday one should sell on any sharp rise and hold positions. Base metals will trade stable from Tuesday to Thursday, and some buying may be witnessed.

It looks like gold prices will move in the range of $1050 to $1079 this week. Trading below $1050 for three days will open the door for gold to move towards $988 within the month of December. Platinum is trading below gold value which clearly indicating that Jewellery business is falling very fast, also diamond losing 30% value in the last six months is making many buyer very nervous about those who always trusted Jewellery as investment for rainy days. Gold, silver and platinum is falling non-stop, and we are still nervous about these metals so we are not recommending any investment in metals at any levels until some major astro cycles get changes.



Last week the USA, European, Japan and other leading markets like India performed very well. Shanghai went down by 5% on Friday but we are not giving any importance as we see the Chinese market performing very well in 2016 so this is a great buying opportunity in Shanghai on any weakness.

A lot of traders are focusing on the month of December as everyone is asking what is the highest price target for S&P. I think traders are focusing too much on the short term basis especially about the last month of 2015. I know many hedge funds and investors would like to see their year portfolio showing nice returns but this will make them lose focus on the longer term trade and may miss a great opportunity to make money.

Since 2009 we have been predicting that S&P is going towards 3200 and we are sure this level will get achieved soon in the coming time so have patience. This year our higher side target hasn’t fulfilled yet but we are hopeful that by the end of December the USA market will move towards our predicted higher side. If S&P holds 2088 level, then there is a very high possibility that S&P may move 5% higher from current levels. 

This week too many events will take place but you have to hold your trades tightly and any weakness should be taken as a buying opportunity on Monday and Tuesday morning. Don’t have very high expectations from December retail selling numbers in USA, and don’t get scared of weakness in the market even if the numbers fall because the Astro cycle is positive which will support the markets trend.

Many analysts are discarding China, India, Brazil and other markets but we see positive growth in these regions. We also see Europe coming back strongly and the Japanese equity market moving sharply higher in 2016 will create a very positive environment. Traders and analysts will lose a great money making opportunity if they remain sceptical because this market is ready to enter into a new horizon. 

This week the market will trade a bit volatile on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Tuesday and Friday, we will see some positivity......subscribe to read the complete letter...

Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma