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Today's Trade & News

Metals went down sharply and may fall Thursdays flashnews & a great deal for ten years...


Thursday’s trading range of all major markets

Dear Members,

This is what we mentioned Wednesday morning:

There was a huge upwards move in the commodities, stock markets and currencies, as we said in our newsletter that it would happen on Tuesday and the first half of Wednesday. Sell back on the second half of Wednesday as this will be a great time to book profits in commodities at the current prices, however one can hold stocks.

This week we mentioned buy silver and sell gold. One can still hold these positions, and one can sell more gold from here as later today the Astro planetary movements will turn negative for gold. Don’t short silver at all as our medium and longer term Astro indicators are very bullish. Those who have bought silver can book half of their profit here now. Gold is currently at $1641 and silver at $29.75.

Oil and gold looks negative from tomorrow.

Grains look positive as predicted in weekly the newsletter. Avoid soft commodities at this stage.

This is a great time to buy dollar index at the current price of 82.30.

Buy 30 Year Bonds at the current price 148-20 (Sep contract).

Yesterday we recommended loading up on Indian Markets and Indian currencies, and I am sure you must have made this trade.

Don’t short stock markets but sell metals and buy dollar. Sell all currencies against USD. Gold may fall below $1600 as the Astro chart of gold looks very negative and dollar index can go back to 85 in the next three weeks.

Rare earth metals and Uranium stocks started moving up, and this is a great time to add more.


In this week newsletter and flashnews we recommended the three best trades of 2012, and one of these was “Buying Silver”. In fact, we said that one can hedge their position by selling gold and buying silver. Silver will be one of the best performing commodities in the coming time.

On Tuesday and Wednesday gold closed weaker but on both of these days silver outperformed gold. Unfortunately, gold’s Astro cycle is very negative like Facebook and so gold will struggle for 45 days before its starts moving up. On the other hand silver holds a better future but the weakness in gold may put some pressure on silver. Yes, buying silver and selling gold will be one of the safest trades, and you will come out as the net gainer.

Gold fell sharply after sending a mid-day update, in which we recommended selling gold around $1640 and silver $29.80. Higher side one sell metals. Once gold break our predicted lower side target then may reach $1588. For gold $1530 and silver $26.30 is most important level, if the breach these levels (chances are more than 50%) then major liquidations will come as next 45 days are most uncertain Astro time for metals.

Here is Thursday’s range:

GOLD: $1630.75 to $1611.10

SILVER: $28.62 TO $27.70

COPPER: $341.10 TO $334.80

PALLADIUM: $638.00 TO $629.80  

PLATINUM: $1480 TO $1459



There is no need to rush into soft commodities. Yes, you can acquire some positions by buying December’s call’s in coffee and cotton.

Thursday’s trading range:

COFFEE: $158.50 TO $154.95

COTTON: $70.75 TO $69.03

COCOA: $2238 TO $2170

SUGAR: $20.20 TO $19.59

ORNAGE JUICE:  $119.05 TO $114.70



Out of three best recommendations in this week’s newsletter, the second nest is the “buying S&P” call. Read our weekly newsletter carefully. In the short term we see some uncertainty so one should book profit and be out of the market.

Keep adding positions in India and Nikkei. This is what we recommended this week and today.  

Here is Thursday’s trading range:

AUSTRALIAN (Spot) – 4115 to 4182

NIKKEI – 8575 TO 8683

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 4961 TO 5048

SINGAP0RE (Spot) – 2770.7 TO 2805.00

HONG KONG (Spot May) – 18653 to 18833

CAC – 3099 TO 3053

DAX – 6170 TO 6065

FTSE – 5459 TO 5365

S&P – 1323.75 TO 1304.50

NASDAQ – 2561.5 TO 2523

RUSSELL – 771.50 TO 757.25

DOW – 12453 TO 12305



Don’t short grains, hold positions in grains.

Here is the trading range for Thursday:

CORN: $593.25 TO $580.25

WHEAT: $637.25 TO $621.5

RICE: $13.91 TO $14.23

SOY: $1395.25 TO $1375.75

SOY MEAL: $420.95 TO $410.00

SOY OIL: 49.59 TO $49.11



Yesterday we recommended selling oil on the higher side predicted price; we still hold that prediction for today. Natural gas traded as predicted, but Treasury bonds went down sharply. Load up on thirty year bonds from today or at lower side predicted price.

Thursday’s trading range:

OIL: $85.25 to 83.87 July contract

NATURAL GAS: $2.48 to $2.35

TREASURY BOND – 148-12 TO 149-30



Keep adding dollar, the lower side is very limited from here. Japanese Yen went down sharply as predicted. Trade in and out in yen today however in the longer term it will keep moving down. Today is a great time to sell Australian dollar, Euro and BP.

In the last year emerging market currencies have been trading as predicted. Indian Rupee is on our radar, and one of the greatest buying opportunities is on the way so one can start buying rupee here and one should finish buying by 18 June 2012.

Thursday’s trading range is here:

DOLLAR INDEX – 82.59 to 81.99

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 0.9943 to 0.9830

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9765 to 0.9689

BRITISH POUND – 1.5560 to 1.5438

EURO – 1.2615 to 1.2510

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2671 to 1.2580

SWISS FRANC – 1.0505 to 1.0412

RUPPEE – 55.01 TO 55.48

RAND – 8.21 to 8.32

We have offered a “life time membership” for $59, once you subscribe then you will keep receiving market news from our website via email for the next 10 years. This offer will end by next Monday and then the new price will be $199. Under current special rate offer you pay $5.9 a year. This is a great offer for those who don’t want to come to the website every hour to see whether we have put any new predictions on the markets. You will get the market news before we put the news on our website in the “Market news & updates by Mahendra Sharma” section.

Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma

Wednesday 4.30 PM Santa Barbara