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Middle-East Crisis may pick up in 2016, read carefully but market looks great...

Weekly Newsletter from 4-8 January 2016

Wishing you healthy and prosperous 2016


Dear Members,

Important Planetary movements which may impact Middle-east: In the next ten days Mercury and Jupiter will Retrograde which is not a good sign, and this astro move may result in some social unrest taking place in the middle-east. Last week we mentioned several times that a Retro Jupiter has always created some tension in the middle-east, and in the 2016 book we already recommended not investing money in middle-eastern nations due to an uncertain political scenario. Weakness in oil prices will bring huge downwards pressure in economic conditions, especially in countries whose economies are completely dependent on oil exports. Debt will keep rising in the next five years so policy makers in oil rich Arab countries should take the proper steps to avoid any major crises.

In the last fifteen years we have very often predicted that from 2015 onwards a negative time in Arab countries will start; the voice of democracy will rise; and financially a downwards move will start. In 2015 we saw oil prices coming down, and also the problem in the middle-eastern nations has been slowly rising.

The oncoming planetary combinations are getting worse, because from the 30th of January 2016 the North Node will come out of Virgo and will move into Leo where Jupiter is currently situated. Jupiter represents religion in astrology, and the North node and Jupiter are enemies and the both of them will stay together in one house for six months (Until July 2016). This clearly indicates that a big conflict will arise within the same religion. We can see that the Shia and Sunni conflict may take an ugly shape so we urge leaders to take a peaceful path if they see any conflict arising in their regions, otherwise this conflict can turn into a bigger war situation between the Shia and Sunni.

After 30 July 2016, we see a positive time cycle coming back, so peace will come back in the middle-east, but until then leaders in the Middle-East should remain vigilant and try to resolve any issue amicably. Most of you are aware that we stop predicting about geo-politics or any international events after 9/11, and since then our focus has only been on the financial markets. However, I thought that if any important person reads this prediction about the middle-eastern region, and if any crises does arise then he or she may play a part in resolving the crises by keeping our prediction in mind. Except for a select few, 99.99% of the people on this planet would like to see peace, prosperity and a brighter future for the younger generations, and we all can play a small part in making the percentage go from 99.99% to 100%.           

This week - We are sure you must have ignored the market during last week and must have enjoyed your time with your loved ones. It was a negative week for most of the asset classes except for USD. 2015 ended and we have entered 2016. 2016 represents the number 9 and the year will be ruled by Mars. By now most of you must have learnt by reading our work that Mars represents fire, aggression with huge volatility. Mars also represents the Bull and Mars’ enemy is the bear, which clearly indicates that a bear trend or the bears will be chased away in 2016.

We have to find out if the commodities will be supported by Mars or whether it will be the stock market; whether Mars will support USD or will go against it; whether Thirty-year Bond will be collapse after 35 years’ overall bull cycle or whether they will survive. To get the answer to all these questions you have to read the 2016 Financial Predictions book. We have completed 2016 Financial Predictions book on the 3rd of December and it is in the process editing.  My Son Ronak is in charge of editing but due to our trip he was not able to complete the book, but the book will surely be ready next week. I wish I could have officially appointed an editor but the predictions books have the most valuable predictions and we don’t want any of them to be leaked. I am not saying that I don’t trust people but according to my experience many people just steal information rather than creating something of their own.

I am sure you will enjoy our new book, this is our tenth book, and forth e-book. We started the e-book in 2013 due to the reader’s demand. Some buyers faced some issues with Adobe but this time we tried to resolve this problem and we are giving two options to those who want to read our book. The first one will be an E-book download from the adobe software so that you can download the book and keep it on your computer or any device. The second option we will be providing is giving buyers the ability to read the book on our website after logging in to their registered account, so even if the device where you downloaded the book is not with you it won’t matter, you just need to have a username and password to access the book on our website. If you share your password with anyone else, your book will be automatically deleted from your account. If you are traveling and will be using different IP’s please let us know. 

We are excited about 2016 and we are sure you will also be looking forward to having a very fruitful 2016 because 2015 was a very volatile year for equity traders. Those who stayed away from buying commodities and currencies surely saved a great amount of money, and those who went short in commodities and currencies must have done very well.

After April 2015, the equity market traded with a lot of volatility, and July and August remained the worst time period for investors. Retailers in USA performed horribly and many other sectors traded uncertainly. 2015 remained a stock specific year, and big tech stocks did very well, and those who remained invested in big tech stocks must have outperformed the whole crowd. Our top picks were Amazon, Google and Microsoft, and all three of these stocks did amazingly well. After the USA report, we also write Daily report on the Indian market and most of our recommended stocks in India have performed very well expect for banking sectors.

In 2015, apart from USD, Indian Rupee outperformed most of the global currencies. The Indian equity market is in our top pick list so read the Indian market predictions were carefully. International investors can invest in INDL or Indian ADR’s. Wait for our 10Th book which shall be out on 18 January 2016. Current week will be going to go through with Scorpio Moon so remain watchful, we don’t see S&P going below 1982 to 1964.   

There is no hurry, so wait patiently and a great money making opportunity will come in 2016, follow our weekly newsletter closely.  

We are strongly recommend reading the first two chapters of this year’s book very carefully. We have tried our best to cover every Asian and South American market in our book. Of course the USA market is covered in great detail because the USA market will be the path guider for the rest of the world, so follow the USA market monthly cycle very carefully. 

In 2015 the higher side targets were not fulfilled, but we are hopeful that S&P reaching 3200 by 2017 will get fulfilled because we predicted that the bullish cycle which started in 2011 shall end in 2017. In 2011 we also predicted that this bullish cycle will end when S&P reaches to 3200. This clearly tells us that S&P still has to move 1200 points because in the last twenty years, most of our longer term targets got fulfilled and we are hopeful for S&P as well. In 2015 the market rested and traded in a very narrow range; retailers and energy put huge pressure on the USA market in the second half of 2015 but now it is time for there to be a turnaround in many beaten sectors or commodities.

Once again we wish you a Great 2016, with Great Health, Happiness and Prosperity.


Here is this week newsletter with weekly trend and trading strategy for commodities, currencies, bond and currencies from 4-8 January 2016


This week’s astro cycles are a bit supportive for metals from late Monday to…. 



This week the astro combinations can bring some volatility, confusion or fear for the short term and….



The Astro chart of Thirty Year bond is getting….



Last week coffee prices gained value as expected….



Last week grains prices traded negatively….



Last week oil, heating oil and RB Gas prices traded mixed but Natural gas gained almost 30% value from the lows which supported GAS ETF’s. Energy stocks traded mixed without any clear direction. There is no doubt that weakness in energy stocks has played a role in keeping S&P below 2100. We have been stating that S&P has to remove a few energy stocks from the indexes to reduce the impact of energy prices because our view on energy and energy stocks has been very negative and in 2016 we are….



Last week most of the currencies traded mixed. USD index traded…


Thanks and God Bless,


Mahendra Sharma 3 January 2016, 3.00 PM Santa Barbara