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Today's Trade & News

Mondays' Flashnews..great time to sell on Spain good news...


Monday’s trading range of all major markets

Dear Members,

In half an hour electronic market markets will open, we are expecting positive opening due to EU package of $125 billion for Spain but take this rising trend as selling opportunity.


On Monday we will see volatility in metals and they should close to the weaker side, so sell metals on the higher side predicted rage. You can cover short on lower side if you sold at higher levels but we won’t recommend buying any gold at today’s lower level if it’s come down from here predicted price. Read this week newsletter very carefully.

Here is Monday’s range:

GOLD: $1609.75 to $1582.10

SILVER: $28.98 TO $28.15

COPPER: $337.10 TO $331.80

PALLADIUM: $614.00 TO $627.80  

PLATINUM: $1455 TO $1426



Soft commodities will trade mixed so trade in and out of it. Lumber is a good buy, and it may move up sharply.

Monday’s trading range:

COFFEE: $157.10 TO $153.95

COTTON: $72.75 TO $71.30

COCOA: $2238 TO $2183

SUGAR: $20.28 TO $19.83

ORNAGE JUICE:  $115.05 TO $111.70



China slowing down; and the EU’s in a crucial week; so don’t hold positions on either side. Our trading range is working very well so trade in and out. The EU central bank has agreed to give $125 to help Spanish banks, so sell or book profit on the rising on the higher side of Monday as June and July are an uncertain time for the markets as per our Astro theory. We have already mentioned this in our book and have been writing about this for the last one month.

Here is Monday’s trading range (June future's contract):

AUSTRALIAN (Spot) – 4165 to 4109

NIKKEI – 8695 TO 8573

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 5065 TO 5119

SINGAP0RE (Spot) – 2740.7 TO 2769.00

HONG KONG (Spot May) – 18723 to 18399

CAC – 3112 TO 3059

DAX – 6265 TO 6162

FTSE – 5517 TO 5446

S&P – 1345.50 TO 1321.75

NASDAQ – 2587.5 TO 2543

RUSSELL – 781.50 TO 763.25

DOW – 12675 TO 12509



Energy and metals are trading in the most uncertain zone but grains are acting much more positively. Soy and all the other grains are moving higher as predicted. On Friday we recommended booking profit in Soy and Soy meal. I am sure you must have done that. Don’t short grains as they are in a positive Astro cycle however don’t hold any positions in Soy.   

Here is the trading range for Monday:

CORN: $605.75 TO $590.25

WHEAT: $638.25 TO $623.5

RICE: $14.14 TO $14.00

SOY: $1436.25 TO $1414.75

SOY MEAL: $438.25 TO $424.00

SOY OIL: 50.11 TO $49.28



On Friday Thirty year bond prices moved up, but don’t short bond as they will move higher this week. Buy them on weakness on Monday as we may see a new all time high in Thirty year bond.

Oil will trade mixed. OPEC is meeting and I am sure energy traders will watch OPEC’s moves closely. This is first time since 1982 that oil has fallen down six weeks in a row. After S&P, oil was one of our great calls of 2012. Oil and S&P’s trading pattern remained over 90% accurate to what we mentioned during last eight months.

Trade in and out of oil, and on Friday we recommended buying Natural gas on the lower side. We saw that it moved up sharply after touching the low of $2.23.

Monday’s trading range:

OIL: $85.95 to 82.78 July contract

NATURAL GAS: $2.356 to $2.23 July contract

TREASURY BOND – 149-19 TO 148-05 (Sep contracts)



This is what we mentioned on Friday: I am sure that many must have sold Australian dollar, Pound and Euro at predicted higher side on Thursday. Hold your short position as in all these currencies as dollar will gain sharply against all these currencies.

Japanese Yen came down sharply; our accuracy rate in yen and emerging market currencies trading rating is very high, almost each medium term moves we were able to call.

Great time to buy emerging market currency at during next week.

Sell euro, Australian dollar and other currencies on the higher side on Monday. Keep adding USD on any weakness.

This is a great time to build long rupee trades against USD from Friday of this week and keep adding on any weakness or around 56.60.

Monday’s trading range is here (June future's contract):

DOLLAR INDEX – 82.79 to 82.23

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 0.9978 to 0.9847

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9775 to 0.9705

BRITISH POUND – 1.5551 to 1.5380 (sell pound)

EURO – 1.2648 to 1.2439

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2611 to 1.2515

SWISS FRANC – 1.0506 to 1.0375

RUPPEE – 55.79 TO 55.07

RAND – 8.30 to 8.43

Warning - Due to EU supporting Spanish bank with $125 billion, we may huge pop-up  euro, stock indexes and commodities but you have to very careful because everything can back after USA open and by end of the day so take opportunity of selling Euro, gold and indexes on late Monday during mid-session of USA market. We highly recommend flashnews subscriber to read weekly newsletter carefully as it is so important to know overall trend patterns.

As per Astro cycle, Gold and Euro is in danger, read in this week newsletter. 

One can take advantage of our great deal of life time membership: We have offered a “life time membership” for $59, you will keep receiving market news from our website via email for the next 10 years. This offer will end by Monday and the new price will be $199. Under current special rate offer you pay $5.9 a year. This is a great offer for those who don’t want to come to the website every hour to see whether we have put any new predictions on the markets. You will get the market news before we put the news on our website in the “Market news & updates by Mahendra Sharma” section


Make Astro cycle/wave of nature an integral part of your trading strategy.

Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma, Sunday 2.30 PM Santa Barbara

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