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Today's Trade & News

Mondays two trades are here...small part from this week's weekly newsletter...

Dear Members,

Here is Today’s trade: On Monday sell higher side metals and energy even though US Dollar will losing value.


Small first part from this week newsletter.

It is time to keep our astro indicators at the top of other indicators


Dear Members,

It is always good to keep the top performing indicators which have been guiding the market accurately. Currently the markets are flowing the wave of nature so please follow our advice closely for trading and investment purposes. Forget about 2017, look at the last 23 years financial market track records. If I removed 2017 from our track record then whatever we said for the longer term, almost every prediction came true, from metals, to energy, to currency, to the market. 

Last week commodities, currencies, and the market traded in the predicted range, but surely buying was witnessed in the equity market. We also witnessed USD struggling to cross our predicted higher side level of $93.48; and oil also struggled to remain above $71.38 as predicted. On the other side S&P achieved 2723, which is opening the door for it achieve 2769 and you know lower side important support level which we mentioned last week.

Grains and softs struggled but lumber made a life time high and Orange Juice traded higher. These are very thinly traded soft commodities. I am sure most of you must be watching coffee prices closely, and why not when it is our more favorite trade after the middle of this year. I am sure you must have enjoyed trading Thirty Year Bond. Many experts seem very confused on metals, most of the metal traders are very bullish, and we have also been very bullish, but our short-term view has turned a bit cautious, though our longer-term view is still positive.

An interesting time cycle will start for base metals from the middle of next week. It looks like most of the base metals have achieved a top, but last week precious and base metals held value which was a bit surprising. Gold held $1305 very strongly on every negative day so let’s watch this week.

This is my last week in India as I will be leaving during the middle of the week back to return to Santa Barbara. This was one of the most fantastic spiritual awakening trips. I really enjoyed spending time in India. I learnt how to remain humble and grateful to life and nature. I learnt so much about life and sharing with others who are in need. One can always gain knowledge or insight of life if one spends time with saints and spiritual people.

Nature provided me with the ability to travel to the future, I could easily travel a few months, years, and decades in future time and able to come back to the present. I had many great experiences in my life, and this really helped me as a predictor. Many Yogis could easily do this, and I am fortunate that nature helped me to become like them, along with also enjoying modern life. I never have to go into a mountain to activate the hidden system, I am sure many of you must have had some experience, but you might not have recognized it. I strongly recommend meditating every single day even for three minutes without fail and I hope one day we all get together and enjoy being one after 2023.

I often feel that I should just leave astrology, and my prediction job and just go and enjoy being one with myself but then I want to pass on this knowledge and so far I haven’t found anyone who could take it over from me and make it more accurate because I would like them to become a better predictor than me because I have made many errors making short term financial predictions in the last 21 years. I see many astrologers who neither have spiritual awareness, nor have they spent decades doing research and start predicting, and unfortunately many people go to them to seek advice. I have spent more than 40 years on this subject and still find myself a beginner, I don’t think that I will able to gain even 5% knowledge of this subject. One needs spiritual awakening to predict the future. 

I always get dragged by my mind on this topic but let me come back to the financial markets. It is hardly relevant what I do in my personal life because you subscribe to this letter to know what is coming so lets start this weeks newsletter.

To get a complete feel of 2018, the 2017, was very simply a year with a bullish trend, if you have bought market, crypto currency, energy and base metals then you did well without using much of your brain and logic. 2018 on the other hand will be a completely different year. I highly recommend reading “2018 Financial Predictions” book from cover to cover to get a complete feel of 2018. Many readers have the habit of jumping directly to the chapter they are interested in but don’t make this mistake this time. Even if you are metal trader you must-read the dollar section, what other commodities will be doing, and what the market’s and crypto’s trend will be, so please read the book in detail.

The Indian market is our favorite one in 2018, so stay long in Indian market ETF’s and stocks.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma