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Today's Trade & News

Most exciting time ahead to make money here is Wednesday flashnews, special offer will expire today...


Wednesday’s Flash news:

Astro cycle says: Time to make money have arrived

Dear Members,

Today and tomorrow are very important days, our astro indicators at very important point from where it can provide you windfall if we are right and possibility is very high that we will be right. 

On Tuesday most of the markets traded bit negative as predicted, Indian market fell sharply around 3.80% due to fall in Rupee. Members of G-20 will meet this week on Thursday and Friday in St. Petersburg, few from emerging will speak loud on USA policy. In March this year “BRIC” agreed to created currency pool account of $100 billion but this will take place in early next year as agreed by them. In this pool, China is contributing $41 billion, Indian, Brazil, Russia each nations is adding $18 billion and South Africa $5 Billion. This time in G20 priorities will be different as USA will be less concern about falling emerging market currencies and emerging market will give less important to Syria.

Anyway FED, Syria, Job report, and G20 are important events in this months, investors will be watching very closely each event. Tuesday market came down after John Boehner’s comment that he will support attack on Syria. Congress will be meeting on 9 to decide on go ahead whether to attack Syria or not.

On Tuesday energy and metals gained some value from lower sides as predicted. This week you should be remaining very focus as we don’t want you to lose focus because this week and next week can be money making week so please read this week newsletter few more times as our view is very clear about market trend and commodities trend from here.

Finally Treasury bond fell sharply on Tuesday as predicted, dollar gained value against Swiss Franc and euro. Emerging market currencies also lost value again but side currencies like Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar gained value.

Profit came at higher levels as mentioned yesterday: USA futures were showing higher in electronic sessions, S&P around 1645 and Nasdaq around 3106. It is giving clear indications that markets are ready to new horizon. Tuesday also markets will move higher but we will recommend booking profit on higher sides.

Today solar stocks were on fire, all major stocks gained handsomely, watch solar and Wind sector closely. Uranium bull market is close, read this month report on Uranium.

Today and tomorrow are very important days, our astro indicators at very important point from where it can provide you windfall if we are right and possibility is very high that we will be right. Anyway our special offer of 35% discount on all major subscriptions will end by end of Wednesday USA time, our members can extend their services if they wish to do under this special offer.

You can subscribe Market news & update sections for $199 for to 16 month under current offer, and most subscriptions you can subscribe at same deal.


Here are the trading ranges and strategies for Wednesday:



On Tuesday gold, silver and other metals gained value due to positive astro day. Wednesday is very uncertain day so take an advantage of selling on higher side or around predicted higher ranges here below...subscribe letter to read complete news...



Emerging markets again fell sharply on Tuesday due to weakness in their currencies. European and USA market gave up some gains but still they closed positive.

As we mentioned yesterday that we would like to see trend of Tuesday of USA market, so now after seeing Tuesday’s trend we see sideways trend on Wednesday but DON’T MISS OPPORTUNITY OF BUYING IN STOCKS AND INDEXES. Globally one should start loading up stocks and Indexes including emerging markets....subscribe letter to read complete news...


On Tuesday oil moved higher as predicted, higher side will remain limited so better...subscribe letter to read complete news... 


On Tuesday Thirty year bond prices fell sharply, it looks like that thirty year bond will crash from here, stay away from any buying. This is what we mentioned on yesterday: On Monday the thirty year bond lost value which clearly indicates that it is reaching toward 128.25 during the next two weeks. Tuesday also prices will remain weaker.

Thirty year bonds traded mixed. 128 is a very strong astro support point which we predicted four months ago when we recommended selling at 150.

Wednesday’s trading range (Sep contract): 

TREASURY BOND – 132-16 TO 130-26



On Tuesday soft commodities remained weaker, stay away from soft commodities but coffee may start moving up once Venus change from negative Virgo zodiac sign. Venus is changing house on 5 of September so this may give new life to cotton, coffee and sugar.  

Wednesday trading range: (December 2013 Contract)

COFFEE: $118.75 TO $115.70 

COTTON: $83.57 TO $82.10

COCOA: $2445 TO $2402 

SUGAR: $16.60 TO $16.36 Oct

ORANGE JUICE:  $134.10 TO $130.40 



Soy bean, Soy oil and soy meal went sharply higher on weather concerned, stay away from any buying in soy and meal but one can take small buying in soy oil, corn and wheat. Get out from all shorts at this stage. Sell soy, buy corn and wheat on Thursday and Friday.

Wednesday’s trading range (Nov/December 2013 contracts): 

CORN: $486.5 TO $466.50 

WHEAT: $655.50 TO $640.25 

SOY: $1399.75 TO $1375.25 

SOY MEAL: $441.50 TO $432.90 

SOY OIL: $44.70 TO $43.75

RICE: $15.88 TO 15.69



We are not changing any predictions for currencies but surely life time opportunity is coming to buy emerging market here to subscribe complete flashnews at $530 for one month or “market news & update” sections for $199 for 16 months... subscribe letter to read complete news... 




This is a once in a year opportunity!
Make wave of nature/astronomical cycle an integral part of your
trading/Investment strategies!


Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma,


3 September 2013, Tuesday 04.30 PM, Santa Barbara