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Today's Trade & News

Most important alert on Markets, metals, energy, other commodities and currencies...

Alert - Important update on market and oil…


Dear Members,

Markets are trading lower on concern of fall in oil prices and uncertainty over Kim Jong health. Also, commodities are trading under threat of demand and pill-up of supply.  At this stage uncertainty is growing but our view about market is not that negative. Here are few points:

Wednesday New Moon will dominate market, currencies and commodities, and it could bring huge volatility in commodity market. Also new Moon some time plays very volatile role for market and geo situations as well.

I have received tones of email regarding future of energy market and my answer is very simple.

Answer: Any future contracts like June or July if you are buying then must put stop loss at $18.81 level. My view still is negative for energy market, and if you really like to buy then buy at $12.15 level June contract with strict stop-loss $11.43. Today June contract test $11.89.

Now June contract must close above $18.81 for the three days which may bring some stability in market. July contract must hold $18.81 and we believe that may happen. Buy some July call options if prices move toward lower sides. I have been not recommending trading positions in energy, if you want trade then to trade with strict stop-loss.

Avoid any buying in metals, if you like to buy gold then sell all other metals like silver, palladium, copper etc. Palladium could collapse more than $1000 soon.

Avoid grains and softs, but soon grains and softs will bottom out with in the next two weeks.

Currencies will trade negative so stay short. Emerging market currencies looks great bet but wait for few days.

I am expecting good outcome from NFLX earning, may move minimum $50.00 higher. S&P has important astro support at 2741 and 2721, I don’t see S&P closing below these level for three days. If market doesn’t close positive tomorrow, then expect 2881 to 2900 level or higher by Friday. Today I am expect to hold lower side level. Still health care Pharm looks great bet. Hold long in our recommended biotech and healthcare stocks.

Offer will end in 24 hours: Today we have announce 50% discount but for only one month service so extend if you wish.

Here the offer:

After writing today's Daily flash news and other letters, I was going through my emails and I saw many visitors and members requesting some discount offer due to lockdown, many said that they lost their job and some said that their business was suffering. Surely, I am humbly accepting requests with small terms, we are announcing a 50% discount only on one-month subscriptions, so the offer is only valid on one-month subscriptions.

Here how discount will work:

Subscribe any number of services for one month, and 15 extra days will be added in your services so one-month subscriptions will give you today 45 days subscriptions.

Important note: if you subscribe three months or six months or one year but we will only add 15 days in your services so keep this in mind.

You can subscribe to the Weekly newsletter, Daily flash news, Stocks report, Metals, Energy and Currency report, in every service you will get 15 days extra every service. (No discount on personal client and corporate client as we stopped taking any new clients). We are reducing book “2020 Financial Prophecies” price from $411 to $392.

I hope and pray that you may make some money through our letters during this difficult and most uncertain time.

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma