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Most important Financial weekly newsletter from 15-19 August for metals, markets, currencies, energy, grains, softs, bond & Crypto…

Weekly Newsletter from 15-19 August   

Focus on the stock-specific story as we may see an upward trend in stocks and a few sectors…


Dear Members,    

Our members almost lost hope regarding our bullish predictions, but nature never failed us; it was an amazing rally we all witnessed in stocks on the 14th of July. Astro cycles provided an amazing date of a turnaround in the market, with predictions of July, August, and September rallies. So far, the market is moving higher nonstop, and from the way it is moving, it looks like it is ready to wipe out all the shorts in the market.

Jupiter in Pisces of 14 degrees created positive indications, and since then, it is not allowing any other negativity to dent the market trends. This confirms that Jupiter is riding an unstoppable Elephant chariot, and it looks like all the other planets decided to walk behind Jupiter’s Chariot in celebrating. Saturn will move in a retro direction from the 12th of July 2022, which also allows Jupiter to play a leading role in nature.  This is the most powerful event happening in nature, so just keep walking behind Jupiter and you will be rewarded in a big way (rather than going against Jupiter or doubting Jupiter’s rally). In the last 28 years, many of you must have seen that I never get shattered in any short-term adverse conditions. You must have seen what we recommended in 2000 after the crash in tech, in 2008 after the housing and financial market crash, and in March 2020, when the world locked down and people thought it was the end of the financial market. Lately, the Russo-Ukraine crisis was calm because we knew that the markets would make their bottom around the 14th of June, and a big rally will start on the 14th of July, as we predicted. The most important prediction we made was a major fall in the market in 2000 and 2008. In 2020, we never predicted the crash in the market, but we saw it as a short-term issue, and the market could touch 3800 by the end of 2020; which it did. This year in the 2022 Financial Predictions book, we predicted an uncertain to negative cycle for the market from March to June, which happened after that big rally.

I would like to put the last three cycles from our book 2022 Financial Predictions here; though markets are not trading around all-time highs as mentioned, the way the markets and stocks moved confirmed how aggressive this cycle was. We mentioned FED and geopolitics in the May cycle. We released this book in the first week of January 2022 and completed it in November 2021. All the 16 yearly predictions books are very close to our heart because, in every book, we were able to portray the most accurate picture of the coming time in markets. I get really disappointed sometimes because we don’t get great media exposure for our book, but we also believe that nature will only bring the people who are supposed to come to our website.

These are the last three cycles from the 2022 Financial Prediction’s stock market sections:

Fourth cycle:

From the 5th of April 2022 to the 14th of May 2022:

This is one of the most important times for the Market, Global Geopolitics, and the common man as there will be major Astro changes taking place during this period. Jupiter will change its house from Aquarius to Pisces; Saturn will be changing its house from Capricorn to Aquarius, and the North Node will be changing its house from Taurus to Aries. I haven’t witnessed these kinds of big changes in my career because all the major longer-term planets are changing their houses one by one throughout the month. These changes will surely bring a bigger fight in the market because every planet will try to prove their point and demonstrate what they can do in the new house, as well as what their future role will be.

I strongly recommend not trading anything aggressively during this phase. If the markets are falling, then let them fall. If the markets are rising then let them rise, because we may see that major volatility will be witnessed during this period. Sharp rises and corrections will be witnessed. Policy makers (Politicians and Central Banks) won’t have a clue about what to do on important issues, so remain aware as this can bring some uncertainty.

During this cycle I will recommend taking aggressive long positions in mining stocks and ETFs as they will outperform the rest of the sectors. I will recommend waiting patiently and watching the behavior pattern of the market and the world at large once these changes take place, so watch the market closely from the 1st of May to the 14th of May. All these planets will be changing their respective houses by the 29th of April, so whatever happens by the end of this period is the trend we will see throughout the rest of 2022.

My view is that the market will get ready for a mega move because many sectors will perform in different ways. Our Astro cycle reading says that these changes will support mining, natural resources, and material stocks. Precious Metals, Biotech, and Pharma stocks will come back into action after a long silence; and financial and fintech stocks will start having a fun time, so start investing in these areas. There is a possibility that political turmoil can start during this cycle.


Fifth Cycle:

From the 15th of May 2022 to the 4th of June 2022:

This will be a very volatile cycle and stock prices will move higher and lower aggressively. The FED may release some negative statements which can bring stock prices down. We are not recommending any long trades during this cycle. The mining sector will be the only one that will perform well during this cycle. We recommend avoiding trading during this cycle and enjoying your time in other activities. One can lighten some positions if you have any aggressive short term positions.


Sixth Cycle:

From the 5th of June 2022 to the 8th of August 2022:

This will be a positive Astro cycle for the market and investors overall. Most of the sectors in the Global Equity Market will perform very well. During this period, we may see S&P, NASDAQ, DOW, and Russell 2000 testing all-time highs. Many of the global markets will also move towards all-time highs, so this will be a great time to buy financial, technology, mining, retailers, health care, and almost every sector’s stocks, as this will be one of the best cycles of 2022. This is the time to take some bets by buying call options in Indexes and frontline stocks as they may provide great short-term returns. This is the best time to make a great amount of money.


Also, frontline stocks and tech stocks are performing well but lithium stocks are close to making a new high which is great news for lithium investors. Many key players in the lithium industry are following our lithium letter closely.

A few months back everyone was talking about a recession but now hardly anyone is talking about it. Last week’s inflations number came soft as predicted, which pushed the markets sharply higher. Rate hike prospects went lower which supported commodities but nothing extraordinary happened in commodities. The dollar went sharply lower on Wednesday but then on Thursday dollar rebounded a bit because it tested a very crucial Astro support level of 104.75. This is an important level for the USD; closing below this level for three days will open the door for the dollar to move lower.

Still, FED and investors are confused regarding the future trend of the economy.

On other hand still, Russia is playing the game to punish Europe. In the current situation, Europe’s Energy situation is very concerned. The energy bill in Franc is already up three to five-fold and situations are getting worst in other European nations including the UK. Now many investors telling us that Mahendra now we understand why you were so angry with Markel of Germany for closing nuclear power plants after the Fukushima accident. In 2011 I kept saying that Europe need a sustainable energy supply and they should be building more nuclear plants rather than closing current ones otherwise they may face a huge energy shortage if they don’t get enough supply of Gas. Today it looks like what we were saying proving so right. I hope Europe will get enough energy supply during this winter.

Natural gas started trading above $8.18 which is a very dangerous sign. Closing above this level for more than three days will bring a mega rally and gas may which can push gas toward $11.77 in the short term so watch the $8.18 level closely. We still have oil remaining in the bear trend.

Many are asking whether S&P and NASDAQ rallies will continue or if this could be a short-term top.

The USA market bottomed out on 16 June. Markets have a nonstop rally from 14 July as predicted. Now S&P and NASDAQ can move another 3% higher from the current level. Though we are not recommending shorts in the market until September 2022 surely some sectors will witness profit booking and a few sectors will gain big value.

I don’t know how many of you are subscribing to lithium letters as it is one of the most important areas of investment. In the last month, most of the lithium stocks gained value between 50 to 100% higher due to the positive Astro cycle of the lithium sector as mentioned in the lithium letter, and this positive cycle we mentioned in the last two lithium letters.

Clean energy, energy monetization, energy saving, lithium, battery/Charging, tech stocks, and fintech stocks. We are still not recommending buying oil stocks, biotech, and real estate stocks. Cyclical and noncyclical stocks will perform mixed.

Thirty Year Bond and currencies will remain in the mix directions but from September onward major upward trend will develop in Thirty Year bonds and currencies.

Still, AMZN, NFLX, MSFT, TSLA, SQM, ENPH, and ALB looks like great stocks to bet on. Our most of earning recommended stocks like MELI, PAYC, PCTY, ENPH, AMZN, NFLX, ALB, TEAM, AMD, MCHP, DDOG, SWAV, AHER, and NET performed very well and we are still recommending holding long positions.  They gained between 30 to 50% after earning a report.

The current Astro cycle is supportive of markets looks supportive; Mars changed Zodiac house on last week Wednesday. Sun will be changing house this week Wednesday which will play an independent role for commodities. Sun will also bring world leaders together to resolve old issues which can happen between USA and China, or some kind of conclusion will take place between Russia and Ukraine but this conflict may continue for the next 18 months if it doesn’t resolve within a month. This may be bad for Europe as GAS prices may sky rocket.

I am very much hopeful that Sun will bring some light of peace from 17 August. Investors will do well but during Sun in Leo, one should focus on Meditation and understanding own path. Many unresolved questions could be answered with so much focus on messages.

Here is this week’s weekly newsletter from 15th-19th of August 2022 for metals, indexes, currencies, energy, grains, softs, bond, and Crypto

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma