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Today's Trade & News

Most important weekly newsletter 10-14 July 2023 part is here...NASDAQ performed amazingly as predicted, silver also gained value and many big trades are what is coming after 2029...

Dear Members.

We had an amazing time trading the market and tech stocks since October 2022, On one side we remain bullish because Astor combinations were showing a bullish trend. Early this year many wealthy individuals and analysts told me that I am doing the biggest mistake of telling people to buy tech stocks as the S&P is going to 3200 but we ignored them as usual like the last 35 years. I predicted NASDAQ going 15000 and then 18000 in 2023.

This platinum and silver was the top pick and they performed very well, we still see silver going crazy in the coming time.

The dollar is ready to rebound from next week.

Without talking much, I will like to release here the first sections of our weekly newsletter, it is the most important note I have published so plan your future accordingly.


Weekly Newsletter from 10-14 July     

We will see the most uncertain time of this century from the end of 2029, masses will fight the government system, and same time famine and scarcity of food…



Dear Members,

Last week the market lost value as profit booking has been taking place as predicted, and the European market remained the worst-performing market. Commodities started bottoming out but still, selective commodities will do well rather than the overall CRP index or all the major commodities.

On the other hand, the dollar Index lost value on Friday after weaker job numbers. Most of the currencies recovered and moved sharply higher, and the Japanese Yen gained value as expected. The dollar, Bond, and the market are at the center of the stage, but major dynamics are sifting in a big way in the world which could be so dangerous for peace, prosperity, and unity. Businesses and the Government will also shift, and many industries and sectors will become useless so time to make a huge shift in the way you have been investing so far in the last fifty or eighty years because we are in a new era and changes are happening very quickly.

For the last 35 years, I was worried about 2000, 2008/9, and 2029 onwards. I was never worried about the 2020 Covid era for the market because we were in a bullish astro trend overall and the market bounced back but surely Covid has changed many things in this world which may impact the short-term.

Let me tell you that I am seriously worried about the time cycle from 2029 onwards. Though in the medium term at least for the next five years we are not worried about the market but at the same time we are worried about many sectors within the markets.

One thing is getting clear and that is that a huge shift is taking place in the market and that is in the tech area. Surely investments in the tech area will pay off greatly to investors in the medium term but many industries will start doing badly if they don’t adopt automation swiftly. Also, industrialists want automation as they don’t want labor issues and labor shortages, labor strikes, and other social issues. Right now the trend is people do not keep on working that many hours in the Western world, many like to work from home job and many want to work less laborious jobs.

Also currently people don’t want to do small or low-class jobs but at the same time professionals are working hard to replace automation on many of these low-standard jobs and soon that will be a reality. Slowly every area will start adopting automation which could bring huge unemployment, and that could be a big problem for politicians and governments. This could trigger many issues everywhere like social unrest, and marches against automation. Also, the government may impose laws to hire X amount of people in every area but this won’t be as easy as we think today. Basically, we are ready to enter the period of war and this war would be people against the governments and authorities. We already predicted this last year and I have started worrying about this. The markets and human life won’t be safe after 2029 due to so much unrest everywhere.

One era is ending in 2029, and we will start a new era of the world where technology will start dominating. Once again the fight between humans and the government system will start. People will start asking for support from the government to run daily life. Western and developed nations will able to do it but there will be challenges for emerging and underdeveloped countries. We are recommending planning your future well as our generation will enter one of the most volatile times of history. Between 1900 to 1975 many Asian, South American, and African countries got independence from colonial rule one by one fighting against colonial ruling and asking for independence. It was a unique era, people celebrated independence.

Now from 2029 onward, a new sift will take place, high tech world will start ruling, but at the same time people will go against the government system. People’s demands will rise to unreasonable levels and many nonrulling and opposite parties will come forward in support of people to fulfill demands. In my term, the world will be on a hot plate with boiling issues. You have five years to plan your life, make the right decisions, and chose a path correctly. I will try my best to guide you in the coming time.

We are seeing NASDAQ reaching 18000, you have one more week before you go aggressively.

Precious metals will start gaining momentum, and coffee and cotton can also gain value.

Subscribe to read a complete detailed outlook for metals, indexes/Stocks, Currencies, Energy, grains, softs, bond, and Crypto…

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma