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10-14 May, most important weekly newsletter small part is here for commodity and market cycle...

Weekly Newsletter from 10-14 May    

Aggressive move is expected in commodity market…read this week’s weekly newsletter carefully…


Dear Members,   

Last week the markets performed very well, US Dollar lost value against the most of currencies and selective commodities moved towards all-time highs. Dollar lost value and it is approaching a crucial astro support level of 89.39 of 2021. Currently we are in positive astro cycle for the markets and commodities, but I have some concerns for the commodity market because commodities prices are moving non-stop higher, and they can keep moving higher which can create huge inflation pressure which can pressure the FED to hike rates earlier than anticipated.

On the other hand, the medium term astro support for commodities is coming from Saturn moving through the house of Capricorn, and Jupiter from Aquarius, but for the short-term the Sun will be moving into the house of Taurus on the evening of 14th May which can bring major volatility in the commodity market during the next one month and this volatility can continue till mid-July if Mars bring volatility in the house of Cancer.

I am overly concerned that commodities will become so volatility that traders can either make fortune or lose a fortune, so be aware and trade carefully as this is not the time to take any leveraged trades.

This week Monday it is a completely supportive day for commodities, but on Tuesday a new moon will bring some volatility on both sides. Wednesday will the most important day for base commodities and if base metals, grains commodities prices move higher from Wednesday to Friday, I will be start getting concern because commodities indexes can keep making new highs for some time and many commodities can keep testing all-time highs for some time.

If commodities act positively throughout this week, especially from late Tuesday onwards to Friday, then I will not recommend remaining in any short positions in commodities because then they can move aggressive higher by 20 to 30% immediately.

Now there is a possibility that the Moon transit from late Tuesday to Friday which can bring down commodities, and we may see a 20% correction in the short term. However, if the moon fails to bring down commodity prices from late Tuesday to Friday, then we may see a major rise in commodities, and many commodities will keep hitting historic highs as mentioned in the above paragraph.  

The current astro combinations which started from three weeks ago when we started recommending buying gold and silver, and at the same time other metals also started acting positively. We predicted that gold may test $1828, silver $27.25, and copper $471. Three weeks back when recommended buying gold was trading at $1678, silver $25.00 and copper at $403. Also, other metals like Zinc, aluminum, palladium, lead, nickel, steel, and iron ore prices also started moving aggressive higher. If this week from late Tuesday, the astro combinations will support metals and we may expect a rise in most of the metals at least 20 to 25% in the coming time (seven weeks). It could be a historic era which can push metals so high in the short period that no one has ever seen something like this in the past, and they will also collapse in the same fashion after that.

I recommend traders to trade carefully, this week will guide what to do in the coming time and which directions commodities will take. At this stage grains have been moving higher as mentioned in the book, they are (soy and corn) close to testing a historic high.

Oil prices are holding value above $63.88 which indicates we may see $68.88 to $72.78 in the coming time, if this week oil also get supported by the astro combinations.

Our overall view for this year is bullish for metals and prices can move aggressive higher in 2021, and if this week metals act positively then they can move higher, and the higher side price target I mentioned in the below metal sections.

Warning time: One of the most aggressive or volatile times is approaching in the history of commodities market so trade carefully, and one can play with calls, if they fail to move higher this week then one can play with puts, but overall trade carefully. I am more bending toward bullishness because overall 2021 is bullish for metals, grains, and soft commodities and especially if this week’s astro combinations fail to bring down commodities.

Tuesday is a New Moon and I always get nervous for traders as it proved to be a very volatile day for traders due to aggressive price fluctuations in the markets, currencies and commodities. If late Tuesday and Wednesday prices start trading negatively, then we may see sharp corrections in commodities between Tuesday to Friday, and prices can fall 20 to 25% in the next 45 days. If from Tuesday to Friday commodities (prices and base metals) move higher without any correction, then we may see 20 to 25% sharp move on the higher side in the next 45 days.

This week Tuesday and Wednesday will remain very mysterious days, any negative statement that comes from financial authorities can push commodity prices lower so watch both these days closely.

Important note: Commodity trading is Zero sum game, you can still hold stocks and make money in the medium to longer term if you buy good stocks then no one can stop making you money. I never recommend trading commodities with 100% of your capital because it is a risky game. Surely buying gold and silver in physical form is treated as purely an investment. Maximum 10% of your capital should be invested in commodity trading, or you can buy calls or puts which can lock risk. In the coming time volatility is expected in commodities so trade carefully as it is a risky game and risk should be monitored closely. 

Friday 14 May 2021: This will be one of the most important day. The Sun will be joining the North node, Mercury, and Venus in Taurus at 11.45 AM Pacific time. If any selling pressure comes in the market after that could invite bear trend in most of financial instrument (stocks and commodities) and turn around in USD.

Respect the law of nature: Please don’t forward our letters to anyone because it is against the law of nature. I really work hard to predict market trend and one should not be getting for free. Yes, you can tell them about our work and leave decision on them whether to subscribe or not.

 2021 Financial Prophecies” We entered the most important astro cycle, and it looks like our book is revealing the future amazingly. I am sure most of the buyers must be incredibly happy. I stated that every penny invested in our book will save or earn you millions. Nature was so kind to narrate 2021, I was merely playing the role of the typist. It is a must have book for anyone who has even a small investment in the market.

Watch the important Support & Resistance levels for this week (10th – 14th May 2021):


Lets talk about markets, currencies and commodities in each sections here below, here is weekly newsletter from 10-14 May 2021:

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma