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Today's Trade & News

Most powerful astrocycle wave is coming for market like Tsunami but...also take these trade in oil, metals and currencies...

Dear Members,

Last week 2721 astro support level worked very well for S&P, higher side we expected to test 2888 and 2978 this week which is very much possible. If S&P closes above 2978 then road will get open for bulls to go crazy. I strongly recommend reading this week’s weekly newsletter or daily flash news (you can subscribe for a week in $155). Also remember that we are currently running into the third cycle of 2020 as mentioned in the book, the third cycle started from 23rd March 2020.

Let’s talk about book third cycle, here what we mentioned in “2020 Financial Prophecies”

Third Cycle: From the 23rd of March to the 5th of May

During the first seven days of this period there will be volatility, but on any sharp correction between the 23rd of March to the 31st of March, one can buy some positions in indexes or stocks on weaknesses. During the month of April, the stock market will move higher once again.

During this period, we see biotech stocks rallying in a big way, along with mining and commodity stocks. By the end of this cycle, I strongly recommend booking profits if the stocks rally well as the next cycle is negative.

If you can afford then must subscribe to either weekly newsletter and daily flash news as we are running into the most interesting time of market behavior pattern, and astro cycles are guiding us with most amazing accuracy which for me also looks like a dream.

Other metals and energy may struggle as mentioned in the weekly and daily letter but amazing rebounding will take place in oil and gold as mentioned in the letter from important astro support level.

This week our views are positive for most currencies against USD so follow closely our ranges to trade currencies.

Stay long in recommended Coronavirus stocks like INO, GILD, REGN, VIR, MRNA, NVAX, NNVC, DYAI, and ZLAB.

Many great American companies will announce earnings this week so stay long in our favorite stocks. DXCM, REGN, HUM and many other are our favorite bet on earnings this week, If you are interested stocks earnings then follow our daily stock report.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma