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Most powerful rising wave in USA & Indian market, and Gold above $1500 after March...Discount offer and new book is out...

Most powerful rising wave in USA & Indian market, and Gold above $1500 after March...Discount offer and new book is out...below not read carefully

Dear Members,

Firstly, let me humbly thank you for buying our “2018 Financial Predictions” book. I am honored by your great support and trust in our work. I was feeling nervous and sad that my Thirty-Year track record is vanishing because of the wrong prediction of market and base metals in 2017, but after the response we got from you clearly indicates that most of you would like to move ahead. Thank you for providing me with one more chance to prove myself in 2018.

Internally, I feel that this book will prove to be one of the best ones that I have written because the Market, Commodities, Bond, Currencies, and Crypto currencies will behave as per the Wave of Nature’s Cycle’s mentioned in the book and if you act accordingly then you may make great amount of money. Gold came in our buying list since end of 2017 after seven years of sideways cycle so read each cycle for gold, silver, and platinum very carefully, and take advantage by buying aggressively during the positive cycles.  

Our view on the market turned bullish from the 8th of January, when all the major astro combinations turned positive, and the market has been moving higher since then. From the 29th of January onwards, we expect a 10% rally in most of the markets, and the rally will continue during the month of February, staying long in market is our advice without any fear and let market keep moving higher until it hits wall. Three weeks back we provided first target 2848 for S&P which shall achieve soon this week of next week and after that 2988 is next target.  

Out of all the markets, the Indian market’s astro-combinations are the most amazing, and the Indian market may outperform most of the global markets in the month of February. I am very confident that the rally in the Indian Market will be one of the most powerful ones. Nifty can move 1000 points and Bank Nifty can move 10 to 12% higher in the month of February. Read each market cycle carefully as the market will move aggressively higher during a few cycles during 2018.

Metals, Bond, and many Currencies may move 20% in predicted cycle in 2018. I am sure you are ready to take the right trades and then just sit on the side, and wait to collect the fruit, so make all trading decisions as predicted January.

We have been stating since early this years that those who lost money by shorting the market in 2017, can regain everything from in the month of January and February by going long in Indexes, or buying call options in SPY, QQQ, INDL, and the Indian market. Our Wave of Nature cycle is showing amazing combinations that we have rarely seen in history, so surely this could be a historic bull market trend. (This historic bull market we predicted on 26 February 2009, so let S&P achieve 3200).

In the last few days a few of members sent us emails saying that if my bull market prediction comes true, then they will erase the error that I made in 2017, and many asked for a discount offer on our weekly Newsletter and FlashNews subscription until they regain trust and I respect their request.

Only once in my career have I offered 50% discount on my subscription during last year on turning 50-year-old. After taking my members requests into consideration, I have once again decided to offer a 50% discount on most of my services, except for the Personal Client and the Books (No discounts offered on the books, and I don’t take any new personal clients).

Our Discount offer start today and will work as follows:

A three months subscription will give three months extra, so you will get a total of six months.

A six months subscription will give you six months extra, so you will get a total of one year.

A one-month subscription will give you one month extra, so you will get a total of two months services.

There is no 50% discount offer on yearly subscriptions so please don’t subscribe yearly subsctions as you will get only 33% extra time on one year subscriptions.  

Must have book: Those who are still thinking about buying the “2018 Financial Predictions” can order by clicking here or on the order page of our website:

Yesterday, we recommended buying NFLX, it moved up almost 7% on earning and Microsoft, Amazon, google, and many other stocks will move aggressive higher after earning so great time to build call options trade.

Book is great product for those who can't subscribe or afford our services.

I wish all luck in 2018.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma