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Most unique predictions about NVDA and Jensen Huang, MSFT and Satya Nadella, TESLA and Elon Musk, Xi, Narendra Modi, and the rest of financial markets...

Dear Members,

We are publishing several important articles/predictions taken from my website, which we are publishing them here below. Revisiting and reading my predictions, I felt surreal. It feels like a myth because it looks like nature is providing a complete vision of the future in the present. Here is what we have predicted in detail about NVDA and Jensen, TSLA and Elon Musk, MSFT and Satya, China Xi, India and Modi, Facebook and Zuckerberg…. (About world leaders and Jensen Haung, predicted on 10, Dec 2023) (NVDA, SMCI, and NASDAQ targets, predicted on 23, Feb 2024) (NVDA targets, Predicted on 30, Nov 20223) (NVDA, SMCI, and bull call of market…25 May 2023) (Buy S&P at 3497, predicted on 25 Nov 2022) (Elon to become world richest man, predicted on 16, July 2018) (MRNA and BNTX FDA approval predicted, both stocks moved in 6 folds, predicted on 17, Nov 2020) (S&P, NASDAQ and Indian market Nifty target, predicted on 19, Sep 2020) (Human, Religion, God, and nature, published on 22 August 2020) (End of a bear market, predicted on 23 March 2020) (Market to bottom out on 23 March, predicted on 22 March 2020) (Biggest bull market, Dow testing 40000, predicted on 22 August 2012) ( Zuckerburg must change the name of Company from FACEBOOK, Microsoft will 10 fold, Predicted on 10 May 2012) (Luck factor, published on 16 April 2012) (Dow toward 32000/40000 and silver $48.78, Predicted on 25 March 2009)

If you have time, please review the last 23 years reports on the website, covering gold, silver, base metals, oil, currencies, bonds, global stock markets, grains, softs and many others. I believe these predictions were made in advance and could only be possible with nature's blessing. I always predicted fearlessly because I trust Astro cycles more than my life, and the Elite community from Wall Street deeply values and respects our work.

A humble request: A big thank you to all members and visitors. I am just asking for a few minutes of yours to write a review about our work.

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma