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Today's Trade & News

Most unique time ahead for traders, Investor's should remain awake..

Dear Members,

Last week grains, oil seeds, and soft commodities traded limit down for three consecutive days and buyers are still stuck with their holding positions. Indeed, they are quite willing to get out but there are no buyers. One has to be very careful when the market reaches highs and becomes volatile as it could easily wipe away profits that one has earned for several years. Most traders involved in the recent commodity bull market are new and have not had an experience like the one following the 1979 commodity crash. At the time, many people went into depression because they were unable to get out from their positions due to a fall of limit down (specially in metals). Last one year I have not been accurate on some calls especially in the currency market, but I am happy for those who have made money in commodities. The last few weeks have also been imprecise about metals, mainly because I usually recommend getting out after some point, even knowing that the prevailing speculative trend could push the market higher. I do this in order to avoid the entrapment that results from high volatility.


Our recommendation to buy grains in January 2006 was very important as at the time, corn was trading around $210; wheat was at $275; soybean was at $550 while beans were trading at $20. We recommended getting out in the last quarter of 2007 because I had targeted prices to reach 100%: when that was achieved, for me it was a done deal.


I am extremely focused on the future trends of all markets and I think that my book will help you to make important decisions about the unpredictable World Financial Market.


Since 2001, there were many reasons to keep giving buying recommendations for metals and energy as well as selling recommendations for the dollar. My reasons have to do with what I see for the future, and the recommendations should therefore be taken seriously, especially the one now about the dollar’s turn around. Indeed, I have been focused on this prediction for the last one year and I must say that there are strong reasons for this. Similarly, there was a very strong reason for my prediction of the Euro reaching 1.380 when it was at $0.83, but most people took it as a big joke. When I spoke of oil reaching $100 a barrel when it was only $15, many people also made fun of me, and it is therefore not surprising when people make fun of my prediction when I talk of a rise in the dollar. I am however very humble when I say that you should watch this prediction.


I am thankful to astrology because it has given me unique predictions about the world financial market. Compared to the results it has given in the past, it does not matter if I have been completely wrong on the shorter term. My new book, which costs just $59, will give you insights of all major markets and the overall trends in the world. Once again I would like you to keep in mind that the dollar might turn around and beware of the future trend. Those in metals need not worry about the rising trend of the US Dollar because the trend of metals is safe in the hands of Saturn. After the current volatility, I could make a strong recommendation of buying gold and silver due to a trend that could take prices from $1600 to $2500 and silver from $48 to $75. However, there will be a sharp correction in the next few months before this trend starts. This crash will take gold to $630 and silver to $12.00.


Predictions for 11 to 15 March 2008 



This week gold will trade positively on Monday and Tuesday and short term traders can therefore buy gold on Monday. If you ask me I won’t take any big risk and if I have to then I will keep strict stop-loss.



This week silver will move higher on Monday and Tuesday and there will be a rising trend on Wednesday as well. Silver will try to hold even as gold declines sharply. I don’t recommend selling silver and metal traders can therefore sell gold and buy silver as it will be a good hedging trade.



These commodities traded weakly during the last week and they should continue trading weakly this week as well from Wednesday. There will be a short-term recovery on Tuesday. Don’t buy side metals at all.



We expected prices of coffee and cotton to fall last week and they did fall quite sharply. This week they will trade sideways and one can take a buying position in coffee once it reaches $146.80 and cotton when it is at $76.80. Coffee is in a bull market, prices of coffee will move way higher, and falling prices should be taken as a buying opportunity on Monday.  



These soft commodities will trade stably. For the last 8 months we have been very negative on lumber and orange juice and they have been moving down. As a matter of fact they never participated in the recent commodity bull market. However, time is turning around for them and those who are holding a short position should therefore cover their short at this stage. Cocoa prices will remain weak but sugar will move higher from Monday.



Hedging positions in the stock market saved a lot of money for many of my members. In the last few months we have been recommending selling international markets and buying USA stocks. If you pull out the charts then you lost buying the USA market by 20% on $100 but made more than 30% on $100 selling the international market. It therefore means that you are making money overall. Hedging is a very important tool in the current market to secure the risk factor.


There will be a weak trend in the international markets but technology stocks will consolidate in the USA market. I therefore highly recommend acquiring technology stocks at this point.


All international and European markets will trade lower on Monday and there will be fear among investors concerning a weak trend. Our advice to get out from the hot bubble market has saved millions in the last three months. I have been receiving sad stories from people in emerging markets about how they have lost all they made in the last four years. While it is very sad, it is the result of not being constantly aware as well as assuming that the market will keep going higher. The same thing is happening with commodities because people think that they will keep rising. When the negative trend starts, one can lose everything if not careful.


The USA market will trade positively on Monday and the trend will persist on Tuesday as well. I see a correction in the USA market from Wednesday, and this will remain till the end of the week. Regarding international markets, they will be positive on Tuesday and Wednesday. However, there will be a major crash on Thursday and Friday and one should therefore take the opportunity to sell on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Sell market like, India, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Australia. European markets will also move down sharply on Thursday and Friday. 



Last week bond prices moved higher as predicted and they will move towards a new high this week. One should therefore hold position in bonds.



Many grain traders are stuck with buying positions because they have been unable to sell as prices have been trading limit down. This week there will be some relief for grain trades as prices may stabilize late on Monday or on Tuesday. However, they will once again selling opportunity from Thursday. The rising trend in grains should be taken as a selling opportunity as the grains market has entered into a short, medium and long term bear market. Indeed, we shall see these high prices again after nine years except for wheat, which I expect to rise during the end of the year.



This week oil prices will move down. Astrologically, the top has been achieved and the current price is as a result of market forces and pending trades. Selling oil at this stage is therefore a safe bet. Heating oil and RB gas will remain weak and the same trend will be in natural gas. This will be the final week for the rising trend of oil because it will enter into a short, medium, and long-term bear market from there.



Time and nature have been giving you a great opportunity to buy the dollar. For a few months the dollar traded around $75 and then suddenly fell sharply. As far as I am concerned, these are just market forces and the remaining trades in the options and futures market that are expiring now. I can just say that one should buy the dollar fearlessly and you will make more money than you have made in oil and metals or even in grains. The dollar is entering into a unique era in which it will continually gain for many years. Many currencies will drastically lose value against the USA dollar. Last Friday was the expiry of options while March future contracts will expire this week. We may therefore witness some volatility with powerful people attempting to intimidate small traders with negative news for dollar.


In 2002 I sent letters to Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Gold Man Sach and many other powerful institutions of the world explaining why the dollar would fall while gold and oil would rise for the next five years. This week I will send another letter to major institutions detailing why the dollar will rise from current levels to historic highs and major currencies will lose more than 70-80% value against the dollar. One therefore needs to be very careful while trading these currencies.


One should buy the dollar with very low leverage; sell the Euro, Pound, Australian, and Canadian dollars with low leverage. Furthermore, you shall learn why I am predicting the rise of the dollar and fall of European currencies once you read my book. Dollar index is trading around $73.00 and it is lifetime opportunity. Every one saying death of dollar but I am predicting new birth of Dollar.


Dispatch of the “2008-09 World & Financial Prophecies” will begin from Friday and some may receive it by end of the week.  


Once again I won’t buy some thing to gain dollar 10 at this stage because this is stage like 2001 when you plan for longer term and I am planning dollar for my longer term investment with alternative energy stocks. I wish you good luck in your trading.




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Mahendra Sharma, 10, March 2008, +1-805-637-7538, Financial weekly newsletter by Mahendra Sharma, all ©coyrights reserved