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Today's Trade & News

MRNA, BNTX getting closer to FDA approve, market and metals trend here...

Tuesday Daily Flash news (Unedited report)

Commodities started walking along with the market move which is an encouraging sign…


Dear Members,   

Grains have been acting well since the 6th of August 2020, which was the time to bottom out. Softs suddenly moved higher on Monday. We have been predicting that astro combinations would change from the 16th of November for softs, which could push coffee and cocoa sharply higher... and they did. 

On the other hand, precious metals rebounded from the lower side, which we mentioned in Monday's letter. Buy gold, silver, and platinum around the lower side ranges or on any weakness. 

Other S&P and global markets are moving as per our predictions. S&P closed above 3597, which is a great sign. We are sure our predictions and predicted targets for 2020 will be fulfilled. We have had one of the most beautiful rally markets since the 22nd of March 2020, and they are still moving as per our predictions.

Currencies are approaching an interesting time cycle from the 20th of November, so remain watchful. 

Oil prices acted positively; watch $43.65 closely but bullish sign. 

Many short sellers are sending honest messages saying, “Mahendra you saved us a huge amount of money by recommending not to short the market”. It is always very important to not be on the wrong side of the market

Our favorite TSLA was added in S&P, it is up $54.00 or more than 12%. MRNA and BNTX are our favorite Vaccine stocks and both came out with positive results as predicted between 4-20 November. We have been predicting that MRNA and BNTX will come out with positive Vaccine data between 4-20 November. Both stocks have still moved to move further 50% higher. Currently MRNA trading around $78 and BNTX $89.

In the last ten years, traders have created an unbillable amount of wealth on our 100’s stocks recommendations, and in the last two years, we still recommended adding the same stocks and a few others. Here are a few top names of the last two years AMD, NVDA, LSCC, APPLE, MSFT, NFLX, AMZN, HUBS, SHOP, COUP, TWLO, PLUG, BLDP, WKHS, VEEV, TSLA, HUM, UNH, MA, V, PYPL and list goes on.

We are recommending staying long in INDL, YINN, and BRZU.

We are waiting for S&P to close above 3597, which will be great news. 

Our theory is on the right track and we have been able to guide members accurately since the 22nd of March and that is what matters the most. You don’t need to take trades every day, just focus on what the Astro cycles are indicating and you can plan your trades in that direction for the medium term, and I am sure no one can stop you from making money.

This is what we stated on 4th November: This week traders will be focusing back on the economy, Covid-19, and the Vaccine. If we are not mistaken, then the world will have great news on the Vaccine in the next two weeks so watch this prediction closely.

Here are the trading strategies and ranges for Tuesday for metals, Indexes, energy, currencies, grains, soft, and bond markets:  

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma