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Today's Trade & News

MRNA initial trial working well to produce antibodies... US market and metals rebounded as predicted on Tuesday...big fire work is on the way...

Dear Members,

On Tuesday USA market moved aggressively higher as predicted in Daily weekly newsletter and Daily Flashnews. Metals also recovered on Tuesday.

Moderna announce that their Vaccine produced antibodies, which is great news for market and USA market reacted well after closing hours. MRNA was our top pick and so far it performed very well. We already mentioned that which every company comes out with Vaccine will hit jackpot. In the month of February, we predicted in September 2020 so wait for this prediction to fulfill. Must own Covid-19 list of stocks. BNTX and EBS are performing very well and still there is lot is pending. Once FDA approve then expect at least five to 10 fold move in that particle stock.

We are entering in great astro cycle and trader will do amazingly well so follow our market and metal predictions closely. Metals have been in your buying; we have been recommending buying metals. JNUG and NUGT performing well, SVM is also great buy, it is our favorite mining stock. Next target in gold is $1845 and silver $20.95.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma