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Today's Trade & News

Must read - Small Part of this week's weekly newsletter here, S&P and dollar in buy list and....

Trading in 2012 with wave of nature

Dear Members,

Let me first thank all visitors and members of our website as last week our website crossed 9.5 million hits. I highly recommend you to read the first part of this week’s newsletter careful.

We are very close to the start of a historic bull market in the global stocks and commodities, and this will happen under the leadership of S&P. On the 26th of February 2009, Jack Bouroudjian (CNBC’s news Contributor; interview is available on the home page of our website) interviewed us, we not only called the bottom out of markets on the 6 of March 2009, but we predicted that a rapid rise coming and by 2014/15 Dow will be touching between the figures 32000 to 36000.  

Yes, this looks like a dream prediction. I don’t know how many Wall Street Pundits or investors are going to be willing to believe this but we have complete and utter faith in our predictions. The prediction of the Dow Jones reaching 32000, will only unfold and determine whether we were right or wrong over time (so far our theory has guided us very well as far as the longer term outlook is concerned and most of predictions have been fulfilled) so I will wait and see whether this prediction will prove to be true or not. Proprietor

I have been wrong on many occasions as far as shorter term predictions go and I don’t feel ashamed to accept my wrong comings. This is part of nature, and no one can be a 100% accurate at all moments in time. We are human beings, we have personal feelings, likes and dislike in the markets. We are influenced by everything that happens around us.  However even with all this, one important thing that we should never forget is that we should do our job with honesty, try our best, and if we make money, we should help our family, friends, neighborhood, community and country. Helping those most in need is our social responsibility. Try to be more humble because life comes once so do your best and I am sure nature will serve you with the best results.

The prediction of Dow reaching 32000 doesn’t look like a dream to me because two weeks ago when I was reading my 2002 and 2004 books, and when I was rereading chapters of gold and oil, I had mentioned that oil would be reaching $100 and gold $1000. When I found out that the predictions from my previous book “2008/9 World & Financial Prophecies” in metals chapter, there were predictions about “Gold hitting $2000 and silver $48.00 in 2011”, the time we were writing this book in 2007, gold was at $720 and silver $15.23 and we predicted gold reaching $2000 and silver $48 in 2011, so why would predicting S&P reaching 3000 to $3300 in the next three years be so ludicrous in nature. We are all aware that this year gold almost touched $2000 and silver crossed $48.00.

There is a reason to writing about these past accuracies as the next three years will be the one of the most amazing time cycles in Wall Street as well as in the lives of each trader/investor. In the next three years we will see one of the solid bull-market, and we want each investor to take advantage of it in equities and commodities from 2012 onward. It will be one of the most unique eras of all time. While you will be making money from 2012 to 2015, you should remain humble, keep watching yourself; ego should be kept out, ignorance shouldn’t rise in you and serve your family and society with good intentions.

The whole financial market stands on one pillar and that’s is sentiments. Sentiment always changes with any new events and my last 28 years of experience in the financial market (I starting trading in the market at the age of 16) only one thing can guide you or can give you a glimpse of the future and that is wave of nature or you can call it, planetary movements. Economic and fundamental changes take place as per the current world economic situation. Even technical charts break on any side and can give false signals. Only planetary movements/wave of nature can give you a solid reason to bet today on the future outcomes of the medium and longer term. I respect fundamentals, economy studies and also follow technical charts but all my future predictions comes from planetary movements. There is no harm in following something that can give you a solid and convincing reason to make decisions in the financial market.    

You don’t have to trade every day, just make the right trades at the right time and let the time cycle do the rest for you. I was convinced that the Planet Saturn moving from birth chart of silver that came in early in 2001 would affect silver, and this forced me to bet heavily on silver when it was at $4.52. I was targeting $9 and $21 and this goal of mine was achieved. A similar thing happened in oil and oil in gold as prices went from $15.5 to $100 and $273 to $1000 (these price we targeted to get achieved by 2007). Predictions of silver never had my personal likes or dislike because I never include personal feelings or sentiments when I am guiding you or writing about the future trend. 

In the financial market people make the biggest mistakes by including their personal sentiments in trading. Some bet heavily on their personal like’s in an area of investment because their emotions are attached with that and if that market goes against them then they lose everything. You don’t have hate dollar, you don’t have to like gold or silver. The wave of nature says that your actions in financial markets should purely be dictated without emotions. If the theory says buy gold and silver then you should buy them, but don’t include your personal emotions because that can end up being very dangerous for you one day.

Anyways I don’t want to present myself as a preacher because most of you are well aware of the market behavior. We just give you a glimpse of the future and the rest of the investment decisions I leave it with you.

Most of you are aware that our new book “2012 Financial Predictions” will be launched on 16 December. Don’t get too excited after reading it as many predictions will excite and may provoke you into taking big positions immediately in many financial instruments. So don’t do anything in a hurry, take your time, have deep conversations with yourself and plan well before you start accumulating our recommended trades for 2012. TAKE SOME LONGER TERM CALL OPTIONS, TAKE SOME MEDIUM TERM FUTURES AND ETF TRADES, our weekly newsletter will guide you on a weekly basis.

Make the wave of nature & planetary movement’s an integral part of your trading/investment strategy with fundamental/Macro economy/Technical.

I wish you good luck for 2012, and I pray that my book will play a small role in your success. Please remember to remain humble and understand ones social responsibility, take care of the neediest around you.


Here is this week newsletter from 11-16 December 2011


Metals are very close to the bottom out…..Avoid metal stocks during this week.



This week base metals may remain positive after Wednesday onwards…. 



One thing that we have very clearly been mentioning is that it’s time to get ready for one of the biggest bull markets of all time in stocks. And now we are just a few weeks away so please start building up positions in stocks and indexes in whichever country you prefer to invest in. There is no doubt that S&P will lead this rally and it has to do so because S&P is the only market which can give confidence to global investors.

Saturn in the house of Libra gives clear indications that China, Europe or India can’t rule the world economy except USA for the next three to four years.

You are all aware that from 2015 China will crumble and this will be the reason for the crash in equity markets from 2015 onward. The current time is a great opportunity to accumulate call options of September 2012, December 2012. On late Tuesday we see some recovery but the best time to accumulate markets will be the 25 of December. Those who are not worried about two to three percent moves on either-side can start acquiring positions from late Tuesday.

This week stocks will start moving up from late Wednesday so get in but the European situation will still remain unstable so a safe date would be 25th of December 2011 as we expect volatility to continue until Christmas so traders those who like to trade safe should enter slowly during this week and next week. On the other hand emerging markets will still struggle until the end of the Month so avoid markets like India, South Africa and China.

Gold will hold $1550 and on the other hand S&P will hold 1200, these are great levels to buy and add positions if they both fall below these levels. We don’t see that happening, it doesn’t matter how negative the news comes from Europe or even whether technical indicators give worst indications, these both financial instruments will break all markets written rules and will just follow the wave of nature or astronomical indicators. We are very bullish for S&P from 23 December….



This week both coffee and cotton Astro chart is mixed or a bit on the weaker side, so avoid any…..



Mercury Is playing a negative role for cocoa, sugar and orange juice, we don’t recommend any trades in any of these soft commodities…..



This week we will see huge volatility…. 


Last two months Mars guided us very accurately on grains move. Planets still doesn’t give any indications of buying grains position at this stage so avoid any buying there…..



This week Moon will push oil prices on higher on Monday….



This week we will witness huge volatility in the currency market. Dollar is still our favorite as our Astro indicators are still favoring dollar trend. Many currency traders must be thing or try to figure out why emerging market currencies have fallen so sharply on the euro debt crises. Instead of all these currencies euro should have fallen because the problem was in euro zone.

In my understanding, the EU financial systems were betting more on the emerging markets. Emerging market currencies compared to dollar as they were targeting making money in emerging markets at higher interest rates and they wanted show that they are well diversified but this move became a problem for emerging markets as the EU debt problem forced the European central bank to pull money from emerging markets and bring it back into their own system.

We all aware that the same situation took place in 2008. Crash in the housing prices and financial crunch in banking system in USA, forced USA to dump all outside USA investments and bring that money back into their own banking system. We all aware how badly everything crashed internationally, (all currencies, commodities and all major stock markets) and only one thing was flying, and that was dollar index or USD against all assets class.   

Anyways lets come back to this week’s letter, we highly recommend buying dollar though technically its looks weaker but our Astro indicators are very positive yet for shorter and medium term. Buy dollar on Monday against Euro, emerging market currencies, Franc, Australian and Canadian dollar.

British pound and Yen will gain against all other currencies, so plan your trades accordingly.

We will see dollar moving toward and above 80.00 and Euro moving toward 1.30 and below…….


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

10 December 2011,

Saturday 4.30 PM, Santa Barbara, California