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Today's Trade & News

Next move in market, metals and is small update to everyone...

Dear Members,

Many free visitors and members of the update section are complaining that I provide information from a few days ago, and that information has many future predictions indications. For example, last week and two weeks a go’s newsletter that I put on website clearly mentioned that 2948 would crucial astro resistance level.

Also, throughout this week we mentioned that 2845 would be a great support level for the market, and we recommended buying around 2845. We may see aggressive moves coming in the market for the few days due to China/USA trade war, so be prepared for that. On the higher side 2938, 3038, and 3189 are achievable and lower side 2822 and 2802 so don't market, buy long around lower sides and ignore market experts those who are telling your short this market. Current astro cycle are not negative for the next week so get ready to read next week's weekly newsletter.

Buy emerging markets like India and China for the medium term, however, keep in mind that the higher side will be limited. INDL recommendation has done very well on both sides, and we previously recommended buying at $48.00 with a target of $78.00. This will again be a profit booking level with a higher side target of $88.00, buy at between $60.50 to $64.50.

On Friday USA market reversed big way as predicted, S&P tested 2822 level and close back to 2881 level. Watch Walmart, RNG, AMZN closely. Read our book “2019 Financial Predictions” carefully, as in the current market cycle we have already predicted volatility.

We just released this month’s Cannabis report from the 10th of May to the 10th of June 2019. It is our favorite area for investments.

This is what we stated on Thursday:

It is a Great time to Invest, but trade talk is too big a catalyst at this stage!!!


Dear Members,

The Market went down sharply. S&P tested 2845 which was the lower side level we predicted in the worst-case scenario. On the higher our astro resistance level of 2948 proved very accurate.

Tonight at midnight the US will announce a $200 billion tariff on China if the Chinese don’t come to the table with the USA terms.

Note: If USA and China fail to make a deal today then we may see a further fall below 2845, and then I will recommend staying away from the market without buying any new positions. It will be a disaster situation for China if they fail to sign the deal. 

The market and investors are very worried, but I strongly recommend buying at 2845. The USA has lesser chances of losing too much in this trade war deal so be ready. If the market rebounds from here, then we may not only see 2945 again on the higher side, but it may test 3038 and 3189, so be aware. On an intraday basis, a failure in trade talks could push S&P towards 2802 and closing below 2845 for the three days shall be avoid any new buying but at this stage that won’t be case. Wait for Monday’s weekly newsletter and daily flashnews.  

Dollar came down. Stay long in Euro and Emerging market currencies for the medium term.

Your trades: Buy coffee, wheat and Soy at this stage.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra sharma

Thursday, 08.00 AM Santa Barbara time

I will try to put out some information’s which may help you to make trading and investment decisions.

No aggressive buying in precious metal recommended but Platinum is great bet compare to gold. Platinum has power to move toward $1500 by 2020 so keep adding aggressive position below $848.00 level, but gold may hang around 5% move in both sides in the next two months. Follow our weekly newsletter closely.

Thursday and Friday emerging market currencies performed very well, coffee recovered from the lows.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Friday 10.00 PM Santa Barbara Time