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Today's Trade & News

Obama Victory...S&P getting ready, Gold toward $1955, silver toward will move higher too...

Hi everyone,

Everyone Must watch Video of of last week. 

Here is our predictions for Obama victory

Here is last Fridays Miday-day alert:



Dear Members,

Today gold and silver both metals went down below our target, I received many emails regarding what to do next from here?

Our answer is very simple for medium and longer term investors:

From 15 November 2012 we see gold rising sharply and may touch all time high by end of the years. Currently gold is trading around $1682 and silver $31.25, these are great levels t buy. Dow side risk in silver is around $0.35 cents, so it won’t fall below $30.92 and for gold down side risk is $38, though we see gold won’t go below $1673.90, but in worst case scenario it can go up to $1641.

In our weekly newsletter we recommended buy in base metals and precious metals on later today or around USA closing so take advantage of it. Buy gold and silver around current prices.

This below part is taken from this week’s weekly newsletter: GOLD/SILVER 

We met a few old friends in New Orleans Investment Conference Mr. Nanik, Bill Murphy, and also Mr. Gartman and Mark Faber were there but we were very disappointed with gold Investment conference as none of the analysts were able to give any answers on the 2013 outlook. Everyone was talking about the longer term outlook so why do they hold a conference every year if they aren’t able to answer the short term outlook. They kept talking about gold going to $2000 or $5000 in the longer term, but this statement has been heard by every gold investor more than a 1000 times in the last ten years. Investors like to hear whether is gold going up or not.

Among the whole expert panel, I liked Gartman, but problem is that he was too Republican and so he wanted to see Obama losing and Romney winning, and we never liked that. When you are giving financial advice you don’t want to bring political bias into it; people come to hear where they should invest.

Our medium term outlook for gold, silver and platinum is still bullish. Our short term outlook looks mixed for gold but the down side is still limited so investors should look for buying opportunity on any weakness.

On the down side gold will hold $1690/$1673 and silver $31.25/$30.48, we don’t see prices falling below these levels in the coming time.

In a Kitco Video interview we already that mentioned gold and silver will start bull cycle from 14 November so get ready to build positions. By the end of December gold can go nearer to all time high and silver $38.80. If Romney wins then we will change our view as his Astro negativity combinations may influence all major markets (Commodities, Indexes and currencies)On the other hand President Obama’s chart is very positive for metals and the stock markets.

On Monday we see Metals trading positively, but still the trend will remain on both sides as it will be a full Moon. Don’t short metals at any point until the elections don’t get over.

On Tuesday we see the positive trend continuing so hold buying positions in gold and silver, metal stocks will remain positive on Monday and Tuesday.

On Wednesday we see both side trends and some profit booking will come.

On Thursday and Friday the mixed trend will come, and there will be sharp corrections on either of the days so take buying opportunity on sharp falls. 

We also constantly saying two important points and these points every investors should keep it in mind:

1.       Silver will outperform gold in medium and longer term

2.       S&P and USA equity markets will outperform, every assets class (treasury, commodities and real-estate) .


I am ready to write next week newsletter, by the way this week we recommended buying Apple, Google and Priceline. These stocks recovered sharply and especially Priceline went up today $64.00. Currencies and grains are doing as predicted.


This week we recommended buying S&P and selling/short oil is doing very well, hold these trades, add more S&P around $1417 and hold oil short. Today one can add silver, cotton, gold and copper in their portfolio.


Uranium monthly newsletter will be out by Monday evening, must read, as finally biggest investment opportunity is knocking your door.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Friday 9.20 AM Santa Barbara