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Today's Trade & News

Oil and RB Gas have bottomed out and it will move toward... S&P is great level to buy or wait?

Dear Members, 

Today we confirm that oil, RB Gas and natural gas have bottomed out officially around $37.50. Market will trade volatile due to Scorpio Moon the 51 hours, Scorpio Moon started around 7.45 AM New York time and most of you aware that so far I haven't seen anyone making right decision on Scorpio Moon so finish other pending work. Stay away fron any short term trade. 

Time to build positions in energy sector. Cut all shorts in oil and other energy area. Don't get too aggressive on long side in energy stocks, I will recommend to stay away from any aggressive long in energy stocks. 

S&P won't go below 2033, buying around 2037 will provide you nice profit in the next 10 days. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma