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Today's Trade & News

One of the best week for market, metals, energy and currencies traders and lot is pending...

Fridays Daily Flash news (Unedited report)

Market, commodities and currencies are moving perfectly

as predicted



Dear Members,

What a beautiful week so far investor had, because most of financial instrument traded as predicted directions. Oil prices achieved our most important lower side target of $63.88, Stock market gained sharply. S&P moved higher from 2600 to 2740. Most other market also recovered sharply higher.  Our higher side this week target of S&P 2743 got achieved yesterday. On other hand Indian market performed amazingly well this week and this is just starting point.

Dollar reversed big as predicted, most of currencies had one of the most powerful day in long time. Yesterday we recommended selling USD around 97.00 with target of 95.88 level which shall achieve today.

Gold, silver and platinum buying recommendation from late Wednesday provided best returns on Thursday as we expected big rally on Thursday.

Soy and coffee also reversed on Thursday as predicted.

I can’t ask nature and astro cycle more. Thursday after market PBYI announced earning, stock crashed by 33%, stock traded around $25.00, don’t miss opportunity of buying because in the few years’ time it shall achieve three-digit target around $95 so great time to buy this one. Apple also announced earnings and stock traded negative, we didn’t recommend any trade on earning in Apple this session. It may recover but stay sideline.  

This is what we stated yesterday: On Wednesday globally, market had strong rally, it was perfect match with astro combinations. Now S&P is very close to crucial astro resistance level of 2727 to 2747, so watch these levels closely and short term traders can book some profit around these level if you have bought between 2600 to 2650 level.

Metals traded negative which is not great sign. Grains and softs also remained in mix to underpresure.

Pound remained best performing currency on Wednesday and it will keep moving higher as 1.2725 level was great buying level. As predicted dollar Index could be great sell around 97.17 level so remember this level with target of 95.82 level in the short period.

This is what we stated Wednesday and it was very important message: Tuesday most of global market traded mix with some profit booking, but I was awake till 2.00 AM night to watch USA market. Now you can understand that how important Tuesday’s closing was for my theory. I am finally relieved because market closes higher.

Buy stocks and indexes with-out fear, as I said yesterday in my stock report that you don’t have to listen to any media or friends, just close all doors and keep buying stocks and indexes because market can have one of finest bull run or euphoric run which can take S&P only toward 3200 to 3800 level very quickly “non-stop”.

Market supposed to start trading negative from 19 October to 9 November, but market started trading negative from 10 October which means that nine days before bear/volatile cycle started so it means that negative cycle could end on 31October to 1st November. Don’t keep any shorts.

Dollar moving higher, what great buying opportunity in euro and Pound. Don’t miss buying in most of currencies. 

This is what we mentioned Tuesday: USA market experienced major volatility, S&P moved almost 100 points ranges and NASDAQ 400 points intra-day ranges. I am sure many of you must have bought USA market on weakness, also S&P was very close to our worst-case scenario 2588 level. If you missed buying opportunity yesterday, then must buy today as market may make big reversal.

Monday was mix day but Tuesday will be positive day for market so don’t miss buying opportunity in the most of global market. Indian market acted very well, it gained more than 2.2% higher on Monday, if you could then buy more on any weakness on Tuesday.

In short, great time to buy USA market, Tuesday is crucial day and we are expecting major turn around in stocks. In fact globally markets will ignore USA weakness of Monday and they will recover from the lows so don’t miss buying opportunity on Tuesday in every market on lower sides. Yes, volatility will be there until 9 November, but don’t fear about volatility because if Tuesday closes higher then S&P may adopt one the most powerful bullish trend from here.

This is what we stated Monday: We are in very crucial time cycle for market because S&P is hanging around very crucial level for 2651 to 2635, I still believe 100% that S&P won’t go below 2588 in coming time but Venus and Mercury taking control of market could be bit dangerous for both BULL and BEAR because volatility could increase drastically in coming days and bull may take control.

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Thanks & God Bless