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Today's Trade & News

Osama, 9/11 v/s commodities and currencies...

Dear Friends,

This week in newsletter and flash we mentioned one point very strongly that is:

Important note – Gold, silver, oil rising trend and weakness in dollar started after 9/11, Osama was behind of 9/11 is now dead yesterday, is this end of rising in oil, gold etc and is this will bring dollar turn around….Read this in details in the next week newsletter

Yes, this looks like coming true. In this week newsletter we clearly mentioned weak trend in oil, grains and soft. We strongly recommended selling oil, soft and grains. Currently oil is at $98.37 and our predictions of oil moving below three digit has come true.

Also we mentioned that weakness in metals for the first three days and buying metals from late Thursday or Friday, looks like great buying opportunity in coming now as silver is at $34.57 and gold is at $1463.

Dollar was trum card this week in our weekly newsletter and flashnews, todays trend proved 100% accurate. Our call on selling recommendations all currencies on Wednesday have come true.

Wait for Sundays newsletter.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma