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Our prayers are with family and friends who lost their beloved...Here is small part from this weeks weekly newsletter 16-20 November 2015.....

Major Turnaround indicating - Weekly Newsletter from 16-20 November

Our prayers are with family & friends who lost their beloved one’s


Dear Members,

It was one of the worst days in human history where terrorists ruthlessly killed innocent people in Paris, France. Let’s pray for the family, friends and loved one’s who lost their beloveds to these terrorists; and the innocent civilians who lost their lives to this monstrous act. One my friends asked me, “We all believe that we are children of God then why does God allow all these to horrible things to happen?” same questioned was asked to me long ago so I replied same answer, “God doesn’t want to control everything so he decided to give us the Brain, which has power to think and to make independent choices, and left humans to make their own decisions of what is right or wrong.

There are billions of people on this planet and we are all different from one other but we all get inspired by someone. That person could be Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mandela and the list goes on. There are however some people with weak minds, without any wisdom, who get carried away in the name of god or religion and do nasty things. Bad opportunists are able to convince, provoke and instigate these weak minded people! Unfortunately, these people let monsters become their role models which results in many getting involved with terrorist organizations and kill innocent people.

This is why we always recommend that people should meditate because it is the most powerful tool which provides us with great balance and always keeps us within the right boundaries. Mediation teaches humbleness, caring, forgiveness and bring awareness real meaning of good and bad.

We as parents have the responsibility to give our children the right guidance. When a child is born it doesn’t know anything, it doesn’t even have a name. We as parents give them a name, give them a religion (which is the most complex thing) and as the child grows we also teach it our beliefs and values. Society has modernized so much since the first few were established. So many practices have changed, so many functions have changed, almost every major part of society has changed due to innovations and advance thinking. Over thousands of years we have advanced and developed almost every area of on this planet, in fact we brought change to everything and we keep making changes every day; but one thing that still remains the same is religion, religious books, and their preaching’s.

Modernization has to come in all major religions or ways of thinking in relation to religion and humans because we are all the same. We breath the same air, drink the same water, live on the same earth, we all use the Sun for light and we all have the same type of physical body so the only thing that differentiates humans from one another is that we have adopted different religions. Why isn’t any religion talking about dividing the air, the water or the Sun? These things are not in their control so they don’t want to fight about it. When a Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Jew are walking together they don’t realize that they are breathing the same air and they are walking on the same planet earth under same sky.

It is such a lengthy topic and I don’t want to create an any controversy here. I just want to say that we all are children of mother nature and we all pray or believe in things as per what is taught to us but life is beyond and bigger than religion. The most beautiful is a life lived caring for people, loving each other and taking care of each other whenever help required. Killing and bloodbaths are not the way of life, enough people have been killed in the last few thousand years in the name of religion. Now it is time for the younger generation to take some serious steps to bring awareness and they should try their best to change this world.   

We will not continue on this topic much further as it is a sensitive issue for many people. I just want to clarify that I am not anti any religion, I am just against outdated extremist beliefs and practices that are leading to tragic events such as the one we witnessed on Friday in Paris. Once again our prayers are with the people of France who had to witness this tragedy in their nation; the people in Paris who had their city streets stained with the blood of their own and their loved ones; and with the people around the world who lost their loved ones to this horrible incident.

We can only hope and pray that this kind of an incident never happens again, and that never again do we have to live in a world, terrorized because of some groups outdated extremist beliefs, and that the international community takes strong measures to eliminate organizations like ISIS and many others whose sole purpose is to spread chaos and spill innocents blood for their personal moto. Our message is and will always be live and let live! Let’s strive to live in peace and happiness and let others live the same way, so that we can enjoy and live happily on this planet we call our home.

Here is this week’s newsletter from 16th to 20th November for commodities, indexes, currencies & bond:

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Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma, 15 November 2015