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Today's Trade & News

Out of five higher side target, two target achieved in gold, silver and platinum, still three are pending, markets are trading as predicted and watch USD Index now...

Dear Members,

Buying recommendations in in gold at $1795, Platinum $818 and silver $18.11 have done amazingly well. This one going astro cycle started have achieved two important targets of $1978 and $2078 in gold, $24.45 and $29.78 for silver, and $988 and $1038 for platinum. Now still three more prices target are pending in predicted in gold, silver and platinum so remain watchful and read our weekly newsletter carefully.

Metals have been performing well, stay long and add more positions on lower side levels as mentioned in the daily flash news and Day trading letter. Today higher side level mentioned in day got achieved in gold ($2079), silver ($30) and platinum ($1037) in daily Flashnews and they also almost achieved lower side predicted prices for today which is $2045 for gold and silver $28.11 and platinum $990 which is lower side level. Lower side seems interesting in metals and specially after JOB Report, we may sent small update because still three more higher side targets are pending before we sell aggressive positions in metals.  

More fire work in metals is still pending, next weeks weekly newsletter will be interesting one. Mining stocks has still power, but we can wait next week to buy or add more positions.

Base metals are in our selling list but still they can hold value due to positive trend precious metals.

Currencies are great level to sell so get ready today after JOB report to sell positions. Dollar index is trading around 92.81 level which was predicted on lower sides. This will be do or die situations for USD, and for many currencies it will important time cycle.

S&P have achieved higher side 3333 and now next level is 3378 and 3445.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma