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Planetary movement: Fall of European currencies, From Thursday new prices .

Vertical crack in Euro?

Dear Members,

Volatility and uncertainty have apparently come back in all major markets. Our 2007 predictions regarding European Union’s fall is becoming a reality and we still don’t recommend people to buy Euro at this point. EU economic situation is heading toward a total disaster so you should avoid looking for technical support on the charts, and thinking that Euro has fallen too much so it will rebound.  Currency traders should also bury the hope that Euro zone economic stability is coming back anytime soon because the problems have just started, and they will spread like wildfire.

Below is what we mentioned in the book: “2008/09 World & Financial prophecies”, page 55.

“Europe under Recession – I AM MOST CONCERNED. I have talked of an economic slowdown and recession in Europe many times in the course of writing this book. In 2001 I predicted a crash of the Dollar and said that it would lose more than 40% of its value, and this has come true. Unfortunately, I never realized that the downfall had begun, probably because destiny had something else in mind. At this stage I understand the long term reasons behind the prediction of the Dollar’s downfall.

The Dollar has been weakening, but many of you know that I have been predicting a turnaround for the Dollar since 2007. European currencies have moved up substantially, but this move is similar to what happened to the Japanese stock market when it went up to 42,000 and then tumbled back to 6,000 in a few years. This is what will occur to Euro and other European currencies, and one therefore needs to be very careful as European currencies will lose up to 90% value in the next ten years. At that time, the situation that will most easily come to mind will be the story of Zimbabwe. As I have declared before, I have nothing against Europe or European currencies: I love Italian food and I enjoy visiting European countries from time to time. But when planetary movements give their indications I predict what I see.

I would therefore like to urge policy makers in European countries to be very careful and closely monitor their economies. Whenever there is weakness, corrective measures must be immediately taken to minimize adverse effects. This will be crucial in order to save the country and its currency, as well as maintain stability. Meanwhile, people in Europe should take steps to secure their future because times are poised to be quite tough indeed.

Lastly, I humbly beg forgiveness if any my predictions hurt anyone’s feelings as that is not my intention. It is my duty to write both the good and the negative so that you are warned and get a chance to do something about what is indicated. In this case, planetary movements have a strong and emphatic warning that a negative wave coming.”

Yes, above paragraphs are taken exactly from my last book, and you can see how much we were concerned about Euro and European economy two years ago. We have already entered into a unique era of huge price fluctuations. You have to stay highly alert and be able to make trading decisions quickly if you want to survive in the current environment. Otherwise you need deep pockets to accommodate these huge swings.

At this stage planets are supporting us fully. Markets are trading in tandem with planetary movements, so we’d be very happy if you can take full advantage of our advices.

Important note: New subscription fee will get effected from Thursday 11 Feb 2010

As we just want to work very closely with our exsiting and new members, so we are offering to extend services at current price because from next week (11 Feb 2010) we are increasing fee for our services. Maximum you can extend or subscribe another one year only, at current price.


We just like to have serious investor community in our members list for our service, which is different from mist of market analysts. We are not claiming that our theory has 100% accuracy but we provide detail insight feel of all major markets. In yearly newsletter subscription we provide 48 weekly Newsletter and more than 100 flash-news.

Fro 11 Feb 2010 new rate will be:

Yearly Flash news: new rate will be incrase from $450 to $900.

Yearly weekly newsletter fee will move up from $2390 to $3000, also monthly, quarterly and half yearly fee we are increasing by 30%.



Yearly consultation fee are increasing from $21000 to $30000. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, New York 4.00 am, on 4 Feb 2010.