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Today's Trade & News

Please listen - Crash in metals and dollar will blow upside...

Dear Friends,
Here is Thursdays update: many banks, hedge funds, financial institutions and big traders are watching our dollar rise and fall of metal predcitions are watching closely.
Dear Members,
Strong warning - Gold has been giving new rates, astro time is very negative and today Thursday should turn out very weak and on Friday we expect gold to fall sharply with silver and other metals. Recent rise in gold prices is identical of final phase of OIL in 2008. Oil bubble busted very badly and same story for gold and gold stocks will do. I warn metal investors very strongly to stay away from metals. Take September and December puts because gold will fall fifty percent from here. We are very much sure on crash of gold and we are also sure that people will remember our warning in coming time. Buy puts in gold, copper, and silver. Sell at current rate, gold is trading around $1221, silver $19.32 and copper at $325 as we are expecting huge correction after USA market open.
Oil is trading as predicted, cover all short position in oil before Friday closing. Buy Natural gas at the end of day.
Grains are trading sideways, and they will remain sideways for the next five days.
Strong warning - Stock market will turn sharply down from today, major crash starting any time, don't hold any position in stocks for the next six months.   
Dollar is trading sideways, those who remained skeptic about dollar should load up other wise from tomorrow it will be too late. Today sell Pound, Euro and Australian dollar with Canadian dollar.
Metals fall will give huge run to stock "SMN" and fall equity and banking stock will give huge money in "FAZ". Buy both of these stocks and go short on market and metal stocks.
NOTE: TODAY YOU SHOULD GO ALL IN, FINALY I FEEL TIME HAS COME AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE VALUE OF NEWSLETTER SERVICES. Few powerful institutions are betting against our predictions and they are winning battle, but we are sure final battle we will win, slowly but surely. 
Mahendra Sharma
Thanks & God Bless Thursday 3.30 PM