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Today's Trade & News

Predictions on Coronavirus and USA market gaining because of AMZN, TSLA, MSFT, NOW and Apple...

Dear Members, 

I would like to publish small part from Fridays Daily Flashnews as many are very concern about Coronavirus and I am concern too until 6th February but after that Coronavirus will get under control. i mentioned max 500 death might occur so lets hope so that number shouldn't go above this, if number goes above than sure I will be not only worrying about China but for whole world. 

Earning sessions really provided great bonanza as stocks like Apple, TSLA, NOW, MSFT, and AMZN provided wind fall to investors as predicted. These all stocks were in our recommendations on earning day. 

Yes, 10 to 12 days in February will be difficult for market and investors as per our book "2020 Financial prophecies", must read monthly cycle careful in book as it may guide to trade metals, markets, energy, currencies and many more areas of financial market. I 100% believe that every penny you invest in this book is worth 100 times more and I am sure you will appreciate our work after reading "2020 Financial Prophecies".

Here is Fridays daily flashnews part:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma