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Prophecies on Pakistan - world & pakistan should watch situation very closely...

Below prophecies was made in our fifth book “2008/2009 World and financial Prophecies”, which was published on 17 Feb, 2008 in USA. Here below few important prophecies are there conected with world, real estate and world financial market for those who haven't able to buy our book.


From chapter India-Pakistan

I am worried about the future of Pakistan. As I have warned for the last ten years, the country may plunge into internal turmoil that will see it separate into three and result in a major problem of the border with India. The situation warrants very close observation by those concerned, as I don’t know which breakaway part of Pakistan will have control of the nuclear arsenal. From Page 16


From chapter Pakistan


When I was in Kenya, I had a telephone conversation with army Chief Pervez Musharraf and I told him that soon he would come in power around the month of October 2002 and yes, he came into power in the month of October 2002 but I was expecting him to rule over Pakistan only for three years as after three years, his chart and Pakistan’s chart were going into negative directions. Current planetary movement says that Pakistan has entered into the worst negative cycle from October 2007 and this negative cycle will remain for the next five years. Few years back, I had already made the predictions that Pakistan would divide into three different countries and that period is not very far from now. There will be instability in politics and whoever will try to rule over Pakistan will face major challenges and they may have to sacrifice their life, this too applies to current ruler, Pervez Musharraf.


Pakistan is planning the elections in early 2008 which I do not see has any meaning for whoever will come in power will not be able to rule Pakistan for a long period of time. There will be terrorist problems and in five years time, Pakistan will be in the grip of terrorists who will control the whole country. It doesn’t matter how many billions of dollars USA sends to fight against the terror because nothing can be done.


I have made several predictions in the past on geopolitical situations as well as for the known personalities but after Iraq, Pakistan is the country that is almost going to go into civil war and eventually the country will divide into separate parts. I do not know how much more time Pervez Musharraf will rule Pakistan but one thing is for sure, not many more months are pending.


Previously, I predicted a short patch of good relations between India and Pakistan and prosperity for Pakistan from 2003 to 2006 but that period has already ended in the middle of 2007. Now unfortunately the destiny of Pakistan will pull the country into darkness.  Economically and socially the country will have a major setback in the next two years. The stock market and local currency will lose drastic value against the major currencies of the world.


Few people may think that I come from India and that is the reason I am writing negative for Pakistan, but that is not true because if you read my previous books of 2003 and 2004, I was very positive of Pakistan’s outlook for a few years. I never write something in hate or love, but I write of what I see.


I do not recommend investors to put money in Pakistan as local authority will fail in each and every corner to protect the civil life and public interest. Also, the government will fail to do enough in the war against terrorists. We shall pray for Pakistan and its people, for their safety and happiness and we pray that they come out from this negative period as soon as possible.  From page 77/78


Here is prediction on UAE from same book:


Here is on fall of Europe - End of 200 years Era


Here is on world Real estate market:


Today I am missing my grandfather, my Guru and my inspirer Nostradamus. These people have played a key role in my life and, whatever I am today is only because of these three people and the yes astrology subject. Without them all these prophecies that we made on geo-politics and world financial market wouldn’t be possible. We are not 100% accurate but our prophecies have always been very close to the events that had been predicted.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma