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Today's Trade & News

S&P is getting closer to our 3800 level target, metals shall rebound today and special offer is ending...

Dear Members,

On Wednesday globally markets acted positive as predicted and achieved our most important target of 3578 level. This year's target of 3800 for S&P may get achieved soon so stay long in the market. We have been recommending adding positions in market since 22nd March 2020 from S&P level 2200. This is one of finest rally we have seen in decades and we are lucky to predict this rally.  We have been also recommending not to follow experts those who have been recommending selling or avoiding this market and that advice done well so far.

In this week newsletter we recommended buying precious metals around lower side of Thursday, so follow our Daily flashnews, daily metals letter or Day trading letter to get daily ranges and strategy.

Coffee moved higher, lumber traded limited as predicted. Grains performed well as predicted not short term trader can book profit.

Currencies are trading as predicted, now important time is coming to take aggressive trade in currencies.

On other hand yesterday financial and Covid-19 stocks started moving higher which is great news for investors. Working from home tech stocks struggled yesterday and from the higher side level as profit booking witnessed so be aware.

As predicted Vaccine will be out soon by end September or first week of October so get ready, this news will put pressure on working from home stocks and will support 37% S&P stock which are struggling. Currently markets, commodities and currencies are trading aggressively so be aware and watch closely every trade because volatility will dominate until Mars is in Aries. 

Our predictions of Vaccine may be fulfilled soon so watch closely, add some aggressive long positions in JNJ, AZN, MRNA and BNTX. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma