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S&P toward 5000, 2024 Financial predictions book buyers will get special offer...

Dear Members,

Our prediction of S&P testing 5000 by the end of January or early February 2024 as mentioned in the book is ready to come true during the first cycle of 2024.

The USA market remained firm, buying witnessed in tech stocks. After market hours NFLX and ISRG announced earnings, and both stocks went higher. Supper-hot SMCI closed another $23 higher and after, the market went further $16 higher.  In the three trading sessions, it moved higher from $312 to $473. In the last one year, it moved higher side from $88 to $473, and we already predicted that this may test $750 this year.

Metals are ready to rebound from 21st January 2024 as mentioned in the book.

Bond, grains, softs, energy, and the currency markets are acting as mentioned in the book.

The Weekly newsletters, the daily letters, and our Books are great services if you use them together to plan short-term, medium-term, and longer-term trading and investment strategies.

Many new visitors and first-time book buyers are amazed by the book and are requesting that we offer a discount for our services so they can use our letters and books together to plan their investment and trading strategies.  

I accepted their note and decided to offer a special discount for weekly letters, daily letters, Daily stock reports, and metal reports to buyers of the “2024 Financial Predictions”.

Those who bought the “2024 Financial Predictions” book or new buyers of “2024 Financial Predictions” will get 25% extra time if they decide to subscribe to any of the letter services from today, and this offer will only last for the next three days or will end on 25 January 2024.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma