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Today's Trade & News

Scary time world markets, currencies meltdown and Indian market move...

Dear Members,

As per our book; best bullish astro time cycle ended for market on 27 August 2018, USA and many other made high one day before this date. Now current astro cycle is mix, three to five days down and after that some positive trend for few days so this cycle will continue like this as per our book "2018 financial Predictions".

Sure, after this current cycle, the next cycle will be positive one. At this stage hold cash, stay away from commodities and any aggressive currency market trading. Last week oil prices traded sharply lower as predicted. Base metals and precious metals are trading negative and worst is still not over so traders shall remain very alert. Many metals can still fall 10 to 30% if they act the way we predicted in this week newsletter.

As predicted war in currency market is taking place, traders need to be very carefully but surely some great money-making opportunity will come in currencies market. Read this week currency sections note in weekly newsletter which showing some concern about euro, if things start getting in wrong directions then Euro could collapse toward 0.83 and dollar Index toward 111.00 to 117.00.

Our predictions of USA sucking all money from global market seems very right in 2018, we still recommend selling other market and staying long in USA markets.

On Indian market - I have been writing some serious issues about economic policy of current Government which could harm Indian Economy. Many are not taking my warning seriously but policy maker need to wake-up. Everything looks good for Indian market until Nifty is above 11375 and below this some serious concern is indicating. In today’s Indian market daily report we recommended buying more Sadhana Nitro and many other news stocks to buy for the multi-fold returns, read or Indian market letter carefully.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma