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Today's Trade & News

Scorpio moon - volatility came as expected in letter..great time to buy S&P at 2550, NASDAQ 6230 and DOW 23550 right now...

Dear Members,

What a great time to buy some positions in MSFT, AMZN, GOOGLE, SPY and QQQ. Market will rebound from here as I won’t see S&P remaining below 2600 or 2650 level for the more than five days. We expect rebound.

Yesterday’s and todays volatility came due to Scorpio moon and we expected this volatility on both these days.

Currently, S&P is trading around at 2550, Nasdaq 6230 and DOW at 23550, these are great levels to buy positions so don’t miss this buying opportunity. I won't surprise at all if market rebound strongly from here so great time to make some short term money. 

Must ready our "2018 Financial Predictions" book carefully as market has great room to move higher from middle of Feb and March...Now we have seperated each sections of book so buy only sections which you want. Great time to build metals and other mining stocks. Don't miss this book, because gold and dollar will walk together from here onward. Buy complete book at $351, which si like you spending $1.00 a day on book, and each sections are less than $200. I leave decisions on you whether to buy this book or not.

Oil came down as predicted from $65.68, now we expected it test $59.28 to $57.88 level. Cover all shorts around these levels. If you are oil trader then must read oil sections carefully. Natural gas tested our predicted target of $2.61 level after selling recommendations at $3.15, lets see whether it trade as per our predictions or not from next week. 

INDL or Indian market is our most favorite in 2018, must build positions in Indian market fearlessly. 

Great time book profit in UVXY around current rate $28.50, just keep 20% positions. 

Astro cycles are great tools, they guided us more than 30 years very correctly except last year between August and October. 

Note - So far this week every predictions we made in weekly letter and daily flashnews have come true 100%, so write comment or don't send any email without knowing what we stated in weekly and daily letter. 

Thanks & God Bless


10.50 AM Santa BRABRA, 9 Feb 2018