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Today's Trade & News

Second Alert - Life time buying opportunity in equity, and oil achieved our lower side target of $38.00 so buying opportunity...

Important Alert, S&P is ready to move 500 point higher side in six months

Dear Members,

This is first time we are sending second alert in same day.

Dow, S&P, NASDAQ all went down sharply lower to limit down and trying to recover from there. Today Moon will be ending at 16:20 PM New York time, I did small error yesterday saying that is changing in morning so Tuesday will be positive. Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer will misguide everyone in current time so we are not giving importance to current volaility and recommending buying. If this fall was taken in the positive time cycle then I diffidently would be worried but current time is negative and uncertain so current happening is part of this cycle.

Nature of Cancer Mars to misguide, create war in financial market, create fear, hate and represent falsh picture which force people not to make decisions. Before traders or investors will realise this market will move in reverse directions.

Once again our year end target is intact for S&P, Dow and NASDAQ and if you have cash and guts then you should buy here at current price S&P is 1843, Nasdaq 3943 and Dow 15600. 

Avoid metals as they may crash in coming few days.

Sell Euro above 1.1788 levels.

Oil touched $38.00 level and we see now safer side to buy.

These are yearly ranges predicted in our book and markets have already touched lower sides levels which clearly indicate that markets have bottomed out today.  

USA Year 2015 range of Indexes:   

S&P: 2537 to 1927

NASDAQ: 5520 to 3880

RUSSEL 2000: 1393 to 1095

DOW Jones: 21,870 to 16,590

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma,


24 August 2015, 6.35 AM Santa Barbara