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Today's Trade & News

Semiconductors are on fire, and NVDA is to reach $3 Trillion as predicted two months back…here is the most important part of this week’s weekly newsletter…

Dear Members,

Six weeks months mentioned that I don’t know the reasons why NASDAQ will test 18000 soon and then 35000.  We kept saying to keep accumulating Semiconductor stocks. Our favorites were NVDA and AMD. Two weeks back we said that NVDA to become the world’s top valuable company may reach a $3 trillion market cap. This week we recommended buying NVDA and SPLK top picks from the earning list and so far they are rocking. Many doubted our predictions of the amazing bull market in USA stocks and still, they doubt it but we trust 100% our work more than my own life so keep building long positions in great US stocks.

Our top pick NVDA moved almost 27% higher after earnings ($388), and our other top pick SMCI gained almost 100% in the last month. AI is creating a new world and we all have to recognize, that there will be lost good and some bad may happen because of AI but still, over time, it will help us.

I would like to share the important first sections of our weekly newsletter, keep following our recommendations. Ten top stocks you need to buy for the next five years to create a great amount of wealth as an amazing bull market is coming in many USA stocks so focus on stock specific rather than the whole market.

A great era of silver is also coming, just wait and watch our buying levels closely.

Here is a small part from the weekly newsletter of 22-26 May 2023:

Weekly Newsletter from 22-26 May     

Volatility will support bull trend so buy on weakness…



Dear Members,

Last week the US market performed very well. The European and Japanese markets also acted very well. The rest of the global markets struggled. Mars is a unique planet, and most of you must be aware that it is also referred to as the God of War and Bloodshed. If Mars goes against anyone or anything, it can destroy, or create destruction, specifically Cancer Mars. As soon as Mars entered Cancer, it started supporting the market trend, and I clearly realized that Mars is ready to fight against the bears, so this market may keep moving higher until it kills the bearish bets. After that, it can also play the opposite role for the bulls as well. I will be watching each day closely and try to give you an update as I did the day Mars entered Cancer.

Regardless of negative news, the debt ceiling, and the FED issue; if Mars decides to walk alongside the bulls, it doesn’t matter how big or how many bears there are, it can create havoc in the bear’s camps, so remain watchful. The way tech stocks have acted since Mars changed its house, shows that Mars is in the mood to walk alongside large-cap mega tech stocks.

As I mentioned, there will be extreme volatility in the coming time before Mars changes houses. If you see the market starting to go down, it can fall dramatically, so we need to be very careful. Mars will remain in Cancer until the end of June. I am 100% sure that one of the biggest rallies of all time in stocks has started already. Most of the analysts did not predict this recent bull market of 2023, everyone was just talking about S&P falling to 3500-3700. I don’t know why they play this game instead of guiding common people correctly or they don’t know how to manage billions of dollars. This clearly shows that they misguide people.

Last week metals performed negatively on a positive day which was a strange sign, but on Friday Metals recovered on a negative Astro day clearly confirming that metals’ bullish trend is still intact, and our view is extremely bullish for silver as well as gold.

Grains, Oil, Natural Gas, Coffee, Cotton, and Currencies traded as predicted. Thirty-year bonds may trade somewhat weakly, but a lifetime buying opportunity is coming.

The debt ceiling issue may dominate for some time, at least for the next 1 week. On the other hand, June will become more volatile due to the Ukraine/Russia war, and a few other geopolitical tensions will pop up. We also see some natural disasters and calamities taking place in the month of June, so overall June will be a somewhat volatile month for investors.

Finally, my 18-year negative cycle is ending on the 21st of May, and I am really very excited to guide you from here onwards. I am also planning to post which trades I will be taking in the short, medium, and long term, so you can follow these trades, or if you wish you can go ahead and take time. You will also be able to see whether my own predictions are making me money or not. If I am right about my Astro chart, then the next 16 years could be amazing for those following our predictions. I wish to make all my members a great amount of money in multi folds and would like to see you all spending some of the money on charity or helping the neediest in all different terms. I know someone in India, who makes sure that before he has lunch he must donate Rs. 10000, which he has been doing for the last 20 years. He goes to a different hospital and finds the needy and gives them money and comes home and has his lunch. I am not saying that we also need to do what he does, but one must keep one discipline to do something that will make us smile one day or the day we depart by remembering the good deeds that we were able to do. 

NVDA and SPLK will announce earnings this week, and both these stocks must be on your buying list. Last month we recommended SMCI at $95 and it moved close to $170.

Here is this week’s newsletter of metals, indexes, energy, currencies, grains, softs, bonds and Crypto from the 22nd of May to the 26th of May 2023:

Click here to subscribe to our number one rated and favorite letter of Wall Street:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma