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Today's Trade & News

Small alert of Tuesday...we are still bullish on gold, silver and oil but watch...

Dear Members,

After reading todays flashnews and stock report one members requested providing clear view on market, he stated that letter looks confusing and it is difficult to make final decisions. So let me write few line with very clear advise:

1.      Our advice is staying long in precious metals and add more long positions in gold, silver and platinum. Precious metals will only turn negative if gold closes below $1263. Stay long in precious metals and buy more on Wednesday on weakness. We still expect it to test $1298 level.


2.      Oil to top out either on Friday to Monday because positive astro cycle is now ending on Friday after two months. It will achieve $57.88 and some chances that it may test close $60.00 but only few trading sessions left to achieve this price.


3.      In todays’ letter I recommended not to put any new money in short side or don’t add UVXY. BUT we recommend staying with put options and staying long UVXY. We also mentioned that market won’t fall slowly, one day it will open big gap down so stay with some put options and stay with UVXY but don’t add shorts because every negative day market has been closing positive which is very strong sign. I strongly recommend to taking aggressive put options on the day of Tax bill voting day because failing to clear Tax bill could bring disaster to financial market.


4.      Next negative astro date is from 1 December, so new shorts or sell positions can be initiated on 1 December which is Friday. On Monday 4 December if Markets doesn’t act negative then one must close back so loses remains very minimum. (From hear onward we can try short trade only for the few days and see whether negative days are affecting or not, if they don’t then we should get out from positions that will save us tons of money and that could have saved us tons of money from end of July 2017 if we adopted this strategy). I am want to very precise and accurate with the strategy, also I should provide a strategy which should have minimum lose probability even if we go wrong.  


I am trying my best to create better strategy after this failure predictions of market fall. I know that markets will fall but my timing has to be right.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma


Tuesday 8.00 PM Santa Barbara