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Today's Trade & News

Small part from this this week newsletter....

Dear Members, 

Last week markets traded exactly as planets guided us. Excellent GDP report was unable to keep the rising momentum and that was the reason market came down sharply on Friday. Friday’s fall in stock prices gave a clear warning signal to investors that time ahead for the shorter term will not be smooth. However, in the longer term stock markets are in a bull market. Shorter term we see weakness and medium term sideways so plan your investment intelligently and I am sure you will have great time ahead. 

Dollar is gaining strength. We are not worried about its longer term trend at all because the hidden wave is indicating major melt down in world currencies. Most economists, analysts and media are predicting the doom of dollar as they feel that USA government is printing too much money. But dollar did not collapse even when there is almost no bull at all!

In fact US dollar saved the world from major depressions I believe. I respect Ben Bernanke, and I always I have been admiring him since he took over FED chairmanship. I don’t like him because of his resume before but because his birth chart. Because of his birth chart—his destiny—he is today at this position, but more importantly his chart says that he will do miracles for USA. In 2007 and 2008 a few times I mentioned that his best time would start from May 2009, and we can see that he is now in full control. Once again I would like to remind you that under his position dollar will hit historic highs.   

In the meantime, metals’ shine is fading away. Let the world exalt about gold moving toward $1,200 but our short term outlook is very bearish. Let gold bugs write many negative reasons for USA economy and dollar and try to convince people that why gold will move higher and higher, but we have been saying that gold would move with its own strength and identity. In the last few years we have seen that gold is gaining momentum but current planetary position is not supporting gold so stay away from metals.  Nature will bring many opportunities in coming time so maintain your patience and you can make fortunes in the coming time. We are predicting crash in gold prices with 100% faith, when again overwhelming most analysts are predicting continuing rise in metals. Let’s see if planetary positions prove up right once again or not. First gold should reach $750 and then $550 is not an impossible target once it trades three days below $750.    

Here is this week prediction from 2-6 November 


Last week gold and silver traded as predicted….



Current time is not favoring platinum….



This week coffee and cotton will….



This week cocoa will remain sideways, but surely it is heading toward $3,000….



Our prediction of selling stock market on 13 Oct has proven very accurate now that markets have not been able to hold gains on positive news. Wave of nature is very unique indeed. Early this year everyone was scared about markets because they were falling non-stop but we were very confident of seeing the fastest recovery after 7 March and it did happen. Now everyone is waiting to get into the markets on corrections because they missed the rally but now we are not very keen on giving buying signal for shorter period because we see huge weakness coming before true uptrend takes place. We are still very confident of Dow reaching 32,000 in the next 5 years and in the same way we are very confident of dollar index hitting 200.

Anyway, again, last week markets came down as predicted, and excitement from positive GDP data proved short lived and Friday Western markets tank big. Planets are indicating very clearly that stock prices will fall big and I have all the reason to trust because same planets gave me prediction for market bottoming out on 7 March 2009. I trust planetary movement more than my life, yes many time I came wrong but that doesn’t mean that astrology is wrong but that I made calculations mistakes. And honestly to understand nature or planetary movement, even 1,000 years will be insufficient for me even if I work day and night…..   



We are very bullish on our longer term view on corn and wheat but shorter term….



This week oil will trade….


I warn very strongly to financial institutions, big traders or even a few countries if they are selling dollar and buying Euro or other currencies because doing this can wipe out whole institutions or even countries because one of the biggest bull market in US dollar is about to take place.

I don’t fear when I predict something quite incredible ahead of its time like gold crashing down to $750 or below and dollar moving up to 200 and this trend will start after 17 November. Yes there will be some currencies which also keep their head up and those are Yen and Swiss Franc.

I see very bad ending of Euro and Pound because I see major disagreements coming within EU and this news will be enough to bring down Euro more than 2,000 points in a few days. As since last year I have been saying Pound would lose its status and the rosy story of Pound is about to blow up, there is no need to buy Pound at any level. It will be sad to see all these “surprising” moves because the wealth of the people in these countries will move down drastically.

I highly recommend holding assets in USD because the birth charts of Obama and Ben Bernanke are very positive.

NOTE: This week FED, EU and Britain will announce rate decisions, so any fall in USD should be taken as a buying opportunity or those who like to trade Euro and Pound should be selling these currencies on any new rises.

Short term traders should trade with low leverage and stop-loss, but those who want to build core position in metals and Dollar should start moving from this point. Current market trend is volatile so place trade carefully.

I wish you good luck.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 1 November 2009

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, Wednesday 9 am, New York