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Small part from this week newsletter from 3-7 May...uncertain time is starting, Modi's era is peaked...

Weekly Newsletter from 3-7 May    

Uncertain time may start...As per our this year book June could be negative time for market or specially for India or Modi…


Dear Members,

I would like to start this letter by sending our prayers to those in India who are suffering from COVID, and to the families of those who have lost their lives. The situation in India is making everyone nervous, but let’s hope and pray that India comes out of this horrific cycle as soon as possible. The recent Covid situation has exposed flaws in the medical system, as it is currently paralyzed, with a lack of oxygen, and the proper medications/medical facilities to tackle the pandemic. Poor doctors, nurses and hospital staffs are working day and night to help people but government will was not witnessed. People are dying because of the lack of timely oxygen and space in hospitals. Political parties in India were focusing on the  elections to gather votes, rather than helping their citizens and providing them with better medical facilities and Vaccines.

In brief, lets pray for the Indian people who are currently going through a tough period, but one thing that I have clearly noticed is that Modi’s will is not to serve the people, his will is how to get more votes, and how to rule more states. I hope after seeing this current Pandemic situations he changes his focus to serve people of India. I am not Anti-Modi, I celebrated when he was elected 7 years ago.

Astrologically, we have predicted that from the end May to mid-July could be the worst months for India and Narendra Modi, and we mentioned this in the “2021 Financial Prophecies” book. I hope that my prediction proves wrong, because I see some serious worrying time coming for India. It could be the COVID situation, or political turmoil. I would like to recommend investors in India to remain on the sidelines for some time, except one can keep holding long positions in Pharmaceutical and Healthcare stocks, which have been our favorites.

Globally, the COVID situation is getter better day by day, and people are rapidly getting vaccinated. Many western countries are ready to lead normal lives within the next few months.

This week Mercury is joining the North Node, and later this week Venus will also join Mercury and the North Node, and that could bring some instability in the financial market, so I may not recommend buying new aggressive long positions in the equity and commodity market. I would like the recommend staying on the sidelines.

Commodities look like they will be topping out here, so a short-term top has been achieved during last week. Currencies came down sharply on Friday as expected. Last Friday was the day we recommended selling most of the currencies against the USD.

Over the last two weeks most of the companies have announced great earnings, but stock prices haven’t moved much which is not good news. I am very hopeful for the medium to longer term Astro cycle for the global equity market. Surely, I am a bit concerned for the short term, as we see some uncertainty in the next cycle, and this could last till mid-July, so expect some uncertainty in the short term.

 2021 Financial Prophecies” We entered the most important astro cycle, and it looks like our book is revealing the future amazingly. I am sure most of the buyers must be incredibly happy. I stated that every penny invested in our book will save or earn you millions. Nature was so kind to narrate 2021, I was merely playing the role of the typist. It is a must have book for anyone who has even a small investment in the market.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma