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Today's Trade & News

Small part from this week newsletter is here.....

Fundamentals, speculations and planetary movement

Dear Members,

Last six months we have seen many soft commodities making lifetime highs, and grains are also moving toward new highs, mainly due to:

Ø Investors are finding values in these soft commodities

Ø Fundamentals are supporting these soft commodities because inventories are falling to decade lows

Ø Commercials are trying to build up stockpiles

Ø Many new commodities investors and traders are jumping into these fields to make some extra money

Ø China keeps buying these commodities to make sure they are well stocked

Ø Uncertain Weather patterns

Ø Other commodities rising trend are also trending higher

Ø Dollar remains sideways

Ø Speculators are gambling with big money to make killings on these thinly traded commodities

Ø And final one, Astro cycle is in support of these commodities

Many other things are playing roles in current bull market but I still believe that current astro wave is the most important one. Most of you must be aware that January 2010 when we came out with very strong buying calls in grains and coffee from June 2010 when we saw that these would turnaround from June 2010 and never look back. Last seven months rising cycles for soft and grains have ended now…….

We are just XXX……XXX away and we will see power of nature or power of astro wave—you will see that how planetary movements can influence large investors and how big traders including banks, hedge funds and financial institutions will start dumping all commodities. Soft commodities and metals will have major setbacks, and energy and grains will move down sharply but before this happen we may see…..

Yes, you will see……


Here is this week newsletter from 21-25 February



This week gold will trade weaker on Monday. Tuesday it also will remain sideways or weaker but from late Wednesday or early Thursday gold will start moving up and the rising trend will continue on Friday as well……



Last week silver hit 33-year high…..



Last week base metals remained sideways and copper went down as predicted as planets were indicating the most negative sign. This week base metals will remain weaker….

This week we highly recommend avoid trading base metals but surely you can sell copper on the rise because Monday to Wednesday copper will remain weak but Thursday and Friday it will move up.




S&P, Dow and Nasdaq made new highs with European markets. Our near term target is 1,350 for S&P and that should get achieved this week. The sharp falls….



This week bond will trade…..



All these soft commodities have done wonders for those who bought six months back. Out of all the softs we only recommended coffee when it was trading at $132 and sugar when it was trading $14. We were bullish on cotton in 2007 when it was trading at historic lows but….



Last week grains remained weak as predicted. This week grains will remain in…..



Last week oil traded as predicted. It did fulfill predicted lower side target of $83.30. There is a huge gap between March and April future contracts of oil. This week oil will remain…..



Last week dollar moved down…..


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Predicted on 20 Feb