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Today's Trade & News

Small part from this week newsletter...

Dear Friends,

Here I am putting a small part from this week newsletter as we should also keep awareness that nature is most powerful and it can it can play most debacle role if it’s goes against us. No religion, politics, money or science can protect us if nature is angry, yes our humbleness and humanity love can save us.

Thanks & God Bless


Weather will play key part in food and agriculture commodities



Dear Members,

Stock markets in the two fastest growing economies--India and China--are struggling even though USA and European markets are doing well. I still remember that two months ago when we saw Mars transiting from house of Scorpio, we gathered guts to predict emerging markets' falls and western markets' going up. Economists looking at past statistics won't be able to do predict this. Look at India and China markets now. They are struggling as money is flowing back to USA and major European markets. Anyway most important statement I am making here us that the astro chart of USA is giving very positive indications, and in the next thirty months USA will enter into a golden cycle.

Yes, I said golden cycle means housing market will start moving, dollar will move toward historical highs, and stock markets will be leaping every year. Of course all other markets will be benefited by USA’s coming bubble.

Next, when the whole world will be enjoying prosperity, sudden weather changes will bring disasters. In the last fifteen year I have mentioned many times that after May 2014 major calamities will hit our planet. Anyway let's first enjoy the next three years and the rest we shall leave in the hands of nature to take care of us.

Grains and other daily use necessary commodities look like in a dangerous zone of production falloff as drastic changes in climate once Saturn moves out of Virgo and Libra. World leaders or business communities should be doing job carefully. Thirty percent of USA corn used to  produce ethanol is equal to robbing peoples' foods to feed cars. In the last ten years world have been experiencing unusual weather patterns and I am sure many brilliant scientists that  watch and study climate must be very worried. No one has a clear answer that when drastic changes will come in weather but things don’t look that promising in the longer run.

Sorry that I am writing all this but you are all aware that my newsletter is not just about financial market predictions. I try to keep world affairs to myself after predicting the dreadful 911 event, but yes we will still release some geo-political predictions especially that might impact investments. Currently I am monitoring weather patterns very closely with planetary movement. In 2009 we predicted that changes in weather patterns in Australia and South America would affect crops.  And we did see heat wave in Argentina and floods in Australia. This is just a starting point.

Let's see what this week planetary positions says from 17-21 January 2011

Monday USA market will remain close so grains, soft and stocks exchange will remain close. Metals, energy and currency will trade in electronic market.


Last week gold traded very negative compared to all commodities including base metals. Since last one month we knew that metals would trade weakly as planetary positions indicated negative time for metals after the first week of January.

This week metals will trade….



Like last week, this week silver will follow gold. Monday to Wednesday….



Last week base metals were watching precious metals going down but they remained sideways because some positive economic data were supporting them.  Anyway this week planetary positions indicate that base metals will move…



This week all major stock markets will remain……

Uranium is the daily food for nuclear reactors, and nuclear power is the only answer for shortfall of energy. This week you should keep adding positions in uranium, rare earth and alternative energy stocks. Lately they have been performing well. Last week our recommended stocks PLUG and NANO moved up sharply. This week you should buy, FCEL, BLDP, HEV and in uranium sector URZ and DNN. In rare earth GDLNF and AVL should do well. 

S&P can touch….

Must read this two articles:




This week bond prices will….



Last week soft commodities remained weak. This week….

Cocoa will….

Coffee, sugar and cotton will….

We see coffee…..



Weather conditions are supporting grains at this stage but…



Oil, heating oil and RB gas will trade from Monday…….

Natural gas looks….



Last week Swiss Franc, Australian and Yen remained weak as predicted. Dollar also remained weak….

This week Australian dollar, Canadian, Yen and Swiss Franc will….

This week trading range for Australian dollar will be…..

This week trading range for Canadian dollar will be…...

Swiss Franc trading range will be…..

Japanese Yen trading range will be…..   

Euro and British Pound will…….

Higher side Pound will go to…….., and lower side….. Tuesday and Wednesday will be…….. days for Pound and Euro. From late Wednesday they will start…. Euro range trading range will be…..


Note: Weekly dollar trading reminder – Monday dollar will gain value as most currencies will remain weak. Tuesday dollar will lose ground, and from the middle day of Thursday dollar will gain again and the rising trend will remain until the middle of Friday.


Best trade of week:

Sell ….



Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, Prediction made on 16 Jan