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Today's Trade & News

Small part from this week newsletter...

Dear Friends,

Here is small part from this week newsletter on EU and Euro.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

EU will be history

Dear Members,

The European situation remains as it is but slowly optimism is increasing in investor’s community as EU leaders working hard to resolve current situations as they are aware any delayed will bring catastrophe in EU financial system. We are all aware that in the last hundred years, any problem that threatened the world’s economy was resolved. Yes some took longer than others, like housing and unemployment problem which has been prolonging and has became a headache for the USA as well world.

Policy makers in USA are scratching their heads as they are not getting any clues that can lead to solving both ongoing problems at home. On other hand, European leaders and policy makers are excited that they will resolve their problem. If you ask me, what will happen to EU, then my simple answer that they may give some immediate short term relief to ongoing problem but EU won’t work at all, or EU won’t last more than seven years. They should dissolve the EU and lead once again on their own otherwise EU will eventually responsible for whole melt down of financial system. In the medium and longer term, more challenges will arrive and the EU issue will allow investor community to sleep peacefully. I don’t know why leaders trying to work out deal when they themselves know that EU won’t work in longer term under one financial system. My astrology says EU doesn’t have any solutions and eventual it will become history.

Yes, shorter term any positive announcement can come but this announcement can last only few days. Watch vertical split of EU and EURO in 2015/16.

Anyways, let’s get back to this week's newsletter. It is very sad to see that the longer term investment planning or strategy is slowing dying. Since early this year new trading patterns have taken place in financial market. Any trend is not lasting for more than weeks, markets are moving rapidly on both sides and this forces us to come out with new daily predictions and flash news system. I am very happy to see that most of our members are very excited about it. They wish I would have started this before, according to many members, this daily trading range is one of the best day trading tools they have it now. I thank you and appreciate your support. Yes! We will not stop daily flash news from here onwards, and you will receive flash news before the Asian markets open. Even though this is big commitment and lot of work, I will do it.






Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

23 Oct 2011