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Small part from this week newsletter....Money has most energy power

Dear Members,

Our newsletter is about helping subscribers succeed in the financial markets and I am sure making money is what we are all interested in. Why not? Money is the centre of gravity of this physical world. Many might disagree with me saying so. They might say: “Mahendra, how could a spiritual person like you say money is so important?” My humble answer would be that I am “Karmik/Bhutik/Bhogic Yogi” living in Yuga (the current age) call “Kalyug” (Kali Yuga) age, in which one can only detach from money if he or she leaves all relationships, emotions, and greed behind, living in a remote and unknown place where no human activity exists and where he or she completely surrenders to nature.

Yes, we are all leaving in this “Bhogic (ego-centric) world”, where our life journey goes through many oftentimes suffering paths that give birth to our higher awareness. All these paths are connected in some ways with money—the most important tool in the Kalyug age. Yet many have misperception of money because they don’t understand or accept the power of this (money) energy. Like everything in the world, each power has its yin (negative) and yang (positive) side. For example, President Obama has an immense power—he can thus make the world batter or he can destroy it. Money power is like that—it has its negative and positive potential.

Let me come back briefly to point why I started this newsletter. In 1995, I started shifting 90% of my focus from geopolitical predictions to financial predictions. The main reason behind the drastic move was that I felt that making geopolitical predictions simply won’t help the world at large. Many would believe and many would not believe my predictions. After the predictions came true, many would give me praises and many media interviewed me, but realistically I was not doing anything from which the world could benefit from my work. My sixth sense told me that I should stop writing predictions about wars, deaths or natural disasters because this is not helping world. The only mark these predictions leaves was painful memories, including my own, once they came true (You must have noticed that I never “cashed in” on my 9/11 predictions by trying to gain world fame—I did not want the fame from the saddest event. The days after 9/11 I locked myself in my meditation room and asked myself: “Mahendra, what you want to achieve with all this astrological predictions?” I still regret today that I predicted that event without doing anything constructive to the world.)

I believe that money has great potential to do the world good, and I have come to realize that my astrological gift from nature can be best leveraged to help people make money to do the good. Therefore, after nine years for the first time, I put on my website the interview video in which I predicted 9/11. My mission is to continue my astro-financial studies in bridging the gap of understanding between planetary movement and financial markets, as well as in broadening the awareness of the importance in understanding and following nature.

My financial newsletter, whose accuracy is evaluated every week, poses a really interesting challenge to my work. I know that I will never be able to reach 100% accuracy but I am sure I will satisfy many subscribers. I believe that our predictions will create many new millionaires or even billionaires in the years to come, and I sincerely hope that they will do their best to serve the world by helping their families, friends, communities and those in dire needs. Yes, our mission is to make money and share with those who are in need as much as we can. I myself have been doing so very quietly and I hope you are doing your share. This parallel progression of investment and spiritual growth can keep our lives in profound joy and in balance.

Let’s come back to our weekly predictions. Last week volatility continued to dominate all major markets. A few countries in the Euro Zone continued to struggle and they don’t know where they are moving from here. We have already pointed out the current problem three years ago, and Mars is saying Euros’s worst time is not over yet. As I have said repeatedly in the past newsletters, I don’t know how Euro as a currency would be able to survive in the coming time. Currently country like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain are all under serious threat of negative economic growth and lofty national debt, but just imagine if France or Germany slipped into such difficult situation as well in the coming months. Who can stop Euro from falling below ($1.00 USD)?


This week newsletter from 15-19 Feb 2010


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Huge move...



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Without any...

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma