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Weekly Newsletter from 7-11 July 2014

Third Bullish astro cycle to start in NASDAQ


Dear Members,

Last week most of the equity market reached an all-time high without making any major buzz which shows that how strong and mature this current rising momentum in market. It is important that we recap from the day that this rising journey of market started because now within a week the current astro cycle will take a twist in a new direction. The current rising trend started when the Greece problem was at peak in 2011, and in September 2011 we predicted that a new astro combination is starting which is giving clear indications of historic bull market for the US equity market. We also predicted that most of the other equity market would move higher following the US equity markets trend. This prediction was made when S&P was 1100, we also predicted a down side risk is 1% and upside minimum 100%. (You can confirm all these predictions in our 2011 last quarter weekly newsletter and daily Flashnews which are posted on our website). There was strong reason for predicting this bullish cycle because the 26 Feb, 2009 prediction of bottoming in USA market which proved 100% accurate and same theory indicated in September 2011 and second rising cycle starting.   

In 2009 February the market situation was so gloomy, banking and housing crises were at their peak and investors didn’t had any clue about what would happen after the Lehman Brother collapse. When Jack Bouroudjian (CNBC Contributor, this radio interview is still there on home page of our website interviewed us the day when Dow was just collapsing and I sounded so calm and bullish on the market, Jack never understood that and till today he doesnt know that what made so calm and bullish on market and what made me call DOW reaching 32000 when it was at 6700. Yes, everyone in the market likes to know about tomorrow’s trend or next years trend. They analyzing charts, economic data or through market sentiment but hardly a few have got success. The astro cycle is a great tool to understand market psychology and the future coming wave. So far most of our targets have been fulfilled for S&P and most of markets from 1995 and it will be interesting to watch that what happens from here onward.

Saturn gave birth to this unique bullish pattern in December 2011, the North Node joined Saturn and provided a one side direction to the market, S&P achieved 1955 during this combination and may achieve 2000 before the North Node moves out from Libra which means that Saturn and the North Node combinations is ending.

On 12 July, 2014 the North Node will move into Virgo, in the house of Mercury which is the most favorable house for the North Node. Saturn will still stay in Libra for the next six months. Jupiter already entered in Cancer, and other all planets are in positive directions. Means, all these planets will be supporting all major key sectors (financial, housing, industrial, biotech and tech), not like Saturn was just supporting Tech from 1997-2000 Jan. When Saturn moved that brought crash. It is danger when market runs on one planet.    

In 1987 only two markets were matured (Nikkei and USA) and the rest of the world was not that important for leading financial institutions, surely investors were involve with London and Frankfurt but still big investors were focusing on Nikkei and USA as these two market used to be considered as reliable markets and major by a lot of big companies. In 1987 investors witnessed sudden drop in the markets but markets rebounded after few months and started a unique journey again. USA kept moving higher and Japan started collapsing from 1990. Their Central bank and financial system started crumbling, in fact investors and Central bank didn’t have any clue of what to do next and the market kept falling for more than a decade (Nikkei collapsed from 42000 to 7000). On the other side, USA market kept moving higher in the longer term cycle. There is no doubt that the astro chart of USA market is very powerful and because of that this market have survived all major financial crises in the last 100 years like 1929, 1987, 2000 and 2008.  

Now once again USA market is moving towards a historic high and we all aware that whenever markets reach toward an all-time high, investors and the financial industry started talking about corrections. It is human psychology and it is natural, and the same is happening now as people will start saying that the market has achieved its top and corrections is about to come. Now if any small correction comes then everyone will start dumping stocks without taking real facts into account.

Markets always face a very difficult time whenever they reach to the top because selling pressure comes from all angles. In fear of selling pressure market show more confidence and start moving aggressively on the higher side which creates a bubble and euphoria.

Everyone is talking that the market will face tough time from here onward but perfect job report and market achieved all time high on perfect day making confusing on interest rate because if positive data keep coming then investors won’t have much choice left rather than buying ignoring interest rate and how high market is.

At this stage all major combinations are not showing any major weakness in market but some short term uncertainty always comes whenever there is change in planetary movement and we may experience during this week.  

There is no doubt that slowly fundamentals will start supporting and S&P/NASDAQ will keep moving higher in the medium and longer term. Investors have two years to make a fortune as a bubble era is on the way in market but at this stage you should focus on the below:

Earning is starting from this week

Scorpio Moon may bring some volatility in markets from late Tuesday during this week

North Node changing during weekend which may readjust market trends

Commodity stocks may bring some volatility in market

Sun changing and joining Jupiter from early next week may bring both side trend

1988 and 2003 levels will remain strong astro resistance for S&P for the short period

Down side S&P will hold 1932 level for the rest of 2014 so the down side is limited

Jupiter changing house may keep supporting banking stocks which may help S&P to keep moving higher

IF S&P close above 2003 for three days will confirm it moving toward 2145 in aggressive trend which should be top of 2014

I would like to watch how the North Node moves for the next two weeks from this 8 July to 21 July, after that we will predict how aggressively this market can move higher, and how quickly Dow would reach toward 3200 and NASDAQ 10000.



Lets see what this week indicates for all major markets, weekly newsletter from 7-11 July 2014