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Today's Trade & News

Small part from Thursday's Daily flashnews....Jupiter is changing today...

Thursdays Daily Flash news (Unedited report)

Bloodbath was witnessed in Wall-Street one-day before Jupiter changing …



Dear Members,

On Wednesday non-stop selling started in USA market, and selling were not stopping still last minute of close. It was nightmare for Wall-Street and investors. Some air was out from balloon and it looks like that some more air needs to be out before we recommend buying anything.

On astro-cycle front, Jupiter will be changing house from Libra to Scorpio – Jupiter will be changing today with in the one hour of USA opening, it is most important astro transit is taking place and I have published detail about this transit in our weekly newsletter. We said that either market would move aggressively higher or market could enter in the six months bear cycle but at this stage that shouldn't be case.

I am really concern about what happened on Wednesday in Wall-Street, it can create panic in global markets. On other hand Jupiter transit is very important for China, it this Jupiter doesn’t help trade war and China On other hand I am watching Jupiter Changes and Chinese news closely.

I will wait for one more day to give you confirm outlook, also next week newsletter will be most important one. You must re-read this week newsletter once again.

I won’t be getting panic here, I will recommend buying market at 2761 level, which was very important astro support level three months. Buy some positions around this level and see whether S&P hold 2750 to 2761 level. At this stage even in most uncertain scenario I am recommending buying S&P around 2750 level without fear. Must follow every week's letter and Daily flashnews which made investors fortune in the last twenty years. 

Oil prices closed sharply lower, currencies started gaining against USD, and metals are still struggling. Thirsty Year bond still trading around 137-00. Softs and Grains are trading mix, just avoid for the time being buying in commodities. On other hand gold is failing to perform in this uncertain scenario, UVXY moved up around 25% in one day. 

In the last 25 years whenever most uncertain and difficult scenario developed in any market, we have always able to guide investors very accurately, and we will try to do same even this time.

Important note of Monday’s Flashnews: On Monday uncertainty will continue in most of the markets but gold may try to hold value. Jupiter is changing from 11th October, so the market may go in a new direction from the 11th October. It is difficult from me to clearly to say which direction the global markets will adopt but surely the trend will be one sided either up or down. If the market adopts a bearish trend, then it will be negative news for the global market but still that I don't see. If the market starts adopting a bullish trend, then the market can move in one direction for one year so don't try to short market. It is very import for all global market.

Watch gold closely as a hedging safe haven trade. Euro, Pound and Australian dollar will move higher. Rupee will bottom out on Thursday as dollar won't able to remain above $73.98, Rupee is moving back to 70.00. I am sue you must have booked profit in Brazilian Real which was one of the best trade of last one month, dollar fell from $4.18 to $3.73 level as predicted in the few weeks, Real gained 11% which is big move for any currencies. 

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Thanks & God bless

Mahendra Sharma