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Today's Trade & News

Small part of Fridays daily flashnews...metals, commodities and currencies trend by using financial astrology and astro cycle..

Dear Members, 

I am putting here small part of Friday's Daily Flashnews...

Friday Daily Flash news (Unedited report)

USA/China back to play fight game…our next big bet could be on Brazilian Real and other emerging market currencies…


Dear Members,

On Wednesday the US market closed at an all-time high. On Thursday the USA market remained closed for Thanksgiving, but the rest of the global markets traded mixed, except for the Indian market, which tested an all-time high.

Frontline currencies (Euro, Franc, Yen, Australian dollar and Canadian dollar) are struggling. Pound bounced back from 1.20 as predicted, and it is the only currency which is holding value against the USD. Emerging market currencies are losing value, but Rupee held value for this week, and Brazilian Real lost value so far this week. In fact, the Real tested an all-time low, but it is our favorite currency to trade from here, so I warn short sellers of Brazilian Real. Buy Peso and Rand as well, stay long in Rupee.

I have finished the currency sections of my book “2020 Financial Astrology & Market Movements”, and the currency section came out to almost 20 pages, but it looks like most of you may have great fun trading currencies. Yes, the future of Euro looks very negative so that could be the Black Swan for the world. The Book will have a detailed monthly outlook for all metals, currencies, every stock market, grains, softs, and energy market predictions. The book will also cover the outlook for Crypto currency and Cannabis stocks.


On Wednesday after the market closed Trump signed a bill which supports democracy in Hong Kong, and many people think that, that move will create some political tension between the US and China. This deal coming at the time when law makers on both sides are working on a trade deal, but I am not really worried about the China trade war, and I have been saying this same thing for the last one year, but all investors were freaking out about the trade war and the collapse of the market. On the other hand, we remained bullish on the market by holding our prediction of S&P going towards 3200.

We are just 50 points away from S&P achieving 3200. I have all the reason to be feel happy and proud about our astro theory. I am just a small instrument and student of this subject, so don’t think I am taking any credit, or I want your appreciation. All the credit goes to my maternal Grand-father, father, and the subject of astrology.

On Friday we are expecting a rebound in the market even after the Trump signing news.

Metals to remain in a mixed direction, energy will trade on both sides, and currencies will also trade in the predicted range.

We recommended buying INDL, ARGT, and YINN. One can still hold longs. LBJ and BRZU is struggling due to  a fall in Real and weakness in South American nations currencies. Stay away from LBJ but Real could regain aggressively so watch Real closely. At this stage I am surprised by ARGT move because Argentinian Peso is down but ARGT is gaining which indicates that something is coming.

Also, small biotech and especially Cancer related biotech companies are on fire.

Wait for next week’s weekly letter as these are important points we will talk in the letter.

Also, biotech etf’s are flying higher, LABU gained 100% value from $26.00 to $54.00 in the less than two months.

SOXL semiconductors ETF’s gained over 100% in the last three months, $102.00 to $226.00.

In next week’s report I may talk about many of these Cancer drug and tech stocks. Also financials are making a big move.

Listens to latest interview which is published at Amazon Prime:

Or you can watch on YouTube:

Argentinian new President will take over on 10th December 2019: PESO is our favorite buy even though the future year’s prices offer more than 50% undervalue plus a high yield. If I am right, then this will be a once-in-a-lifetime trade for many as unbelievable returns can be made. 

To ready todays complete Daily Flashnews:

Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma

28th Nov 2019, 03:00 PM, Santa Barbara